Baby seat advice

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2010
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I need to get a baby seat, for December and don't currently have a clue what is the best option in a camper to go for.

back seat has lap belts, and the front seat belts are none inertia reel

i have been told i got weld some isofix bar in to use, not that the other cars have got ISO Fix points (66 beetle) or is it best to swap the seat belts to inertia reel type?

Thank you in advance
We use a racing harness in the back, it fits the child seat perfectly and for added security a strap across the chest area (get one from a climbing shop). They secure him and the child seat better that a normal searbelt.
Oh yeah, you can bolt the 3 point harness to existing holes. I've tried yanking it out, pulling it, pushing it and it wouldn't come loose.
what age is the child??
if its a forward facing car seat then the lap belt will work with most of the decent car seats that lock onto the belt ie maxi cosi. non intertia 3 point belts in my opinion are better any way - they may not be as comfortable for the child but you can make sure they hold the seat/person tight enough
Ah new born. We just used normal seat belt (inertia type) when he was that small, they are pretty good and well designed. Why not swap one front one, for now until the little 'un is bigger and you can use a different system.
New borns usually use a rear facing seat and our boy who's now almost a year old has been in his forward facing seat for about 6 weeks.

Both were/are secured using a three point intertia type seat belt (changed the original static for this) in the back of our bus, suits us as use the same in our car too. The only issue we have is when the seat is secured by the belt then it's almost impossible to lift the rear seat up and get anything from it :lol:

yeah 3 point inertia is the way to go - either up front or safer in the back.
Hi rolandtheclipper, congratulations :D

Have a read here" onclick=";return false; it'll give you an idea of what you should be looking for.

Alternatively google it. there are loads of sites that offer advice on which type of seat to buy, but the most important thing is that it's fitted correctly or it's not worth the money you paid for it in terms of safety.

my twos first seat was a britax rock-a-tot it has 2 ways of strapping it in using the 3 point seatbelt, rear belts in old cars are shorter, so need the second strapping in option on the seat.
i tried taking my godson in my mk2 golf in his baby carrier and the seatbelt wouldnt go long enough, even with the front seat right back.

the next seat they both had was a baby recaro, which was the second stage seat and could adjust long ways and width ways to fit upto a 12 year old,was expensive but the best investment ever, it reclined if they fell asleep, was really light weight to take in and out, it did up by the 3 point seat belt going across the front of the seat, like a adult would wear it.
We took our kids all over last year - our son was 9 months in the summer and most of the time, he sat up front with me as he was in a Maxi Cosi rear-facing infant seat and the front inertia seat belts were the only ones long enough to go round the seat. My girlfriend and six-year old sat in the back, using the three point inertia belts I fitted, from Machine 7 from memory. They used the original pick-up points, just below the rear window and under the rear seat.

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