This is a very complex issue clearly... on the one hand the t-shirts and mugs audience are not really depriving VW of income, whereas the pattern parts companies are (tenuously) doing so... but
are they?
If I pop in to my local VW dealer and try to order genuine parts for my Beetle or Bus I find that very few parts are available to me. If VW were selling original Volkswagen parts (not even bringing pricing into it) that would allow me to keep my VWs on the road and in good shape then I could understand the conflict... but the fact is that VW won't sell the parts and are now depriving VW owners of an alternative source. Add to this that many specialists will have their income reduced by this action and potentially their businesses could be jeopardised, taking with them other channels for parts supply and it all adds up to a poor deal for the owners of classic VW cars and commercials.
I understand that VW have a very valid claim to their trademark and are protecting their brand, but it feels that this is being handled in an insensitive way.
Fair enough to remove poor quality pattern parts that bear the VW logo from sale, that actually helps to "clean up" the market and helps the owners out, but I would appreciate this more if they would ensure that when parts are taken from the market through action by VW there is an alternative source of those parts available (ideally available from VW themselves or an approved agent like Heritage).
I do worry though, protecting the logo at the expense of enthusiasts seems understandable but if it's handled without care and sensitivity it will end up hurting their own customers. I'd be interested to learn whether VW have looked into how many of their classic "customers" also run a modern VW group vehicle as their daily? Brand loyalty is pretty deep with Volkswagen customers...
An ideal outcome from this would be a solid channel for Original VW parts through the dealer network or approved agents to keep our vehicles on the road, and some direct support for events from Volkswagen (they might do this already? I am not aware of it though) and some decent communications in the community online to explain why they are taking this action and what it means for enthusiasts. Probably naive of me to hope for this, but as we have seen... shortage of Splits drove interest in Bays, which then knocked on to T25, T4, T5... how many of us and our kids (i.e. next generation customers) have an emotional attachment to the VW brand?
Consider how much VW spend on advertising globally, if they subsidised their classic parts supply you could reasonably consider this a rolling endorsement of how durable their products are... keeping Beetles and Transporters on the road as icons that reinforce the VW brand.
Come on VW... step up! :msn4: