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Mar 10, 2009
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Right then sorry im a newbie here (got told to join up and glad i did so far ;) ) ill get some pics up of the van soon as 8)

what i want to do is....... i want to get the van lowered quite alot..... ive got the choice between the gsi wheels its on at the mo and the original steels so tyre swaps..... all possible for clearance issues if they occured.

basically is it possible to cut and turn a baywindow beam? its a 72 if that makes any difference at all??? and although possibly unlikely does anyone know the procedure?
im doing it this way as the beam isnt in the greatest shape. and we have been offered another one so it can be changed when that happens (which will be narrowed and adjustable) this is more a trial to see if we want it low and it it would look better low and narrowed ........

hope i havnt confused anyone :?

any help you can offer is greatly appricated :) Dan
retrowagen1234 said:
i want to get the van lowered quite alot...

do you mean, "ooh, ooh, i really want a lowered bus"


or, "i want a really lowered bus"



to be fair, you'd probably be better off putting 'cut & turn' into the search engine either here or on vzi ;)
Search the forum dude, there are so many answees to this question, if you want a decent ride, you may want to check your bank ballance.
Shit your going the hard way about it just to see if the looks right arent you....

If the beams a dud why not remove the grubs release the centre bushings probably gonna need to break the dimples with the beam on a hydraulic lift just raise and lower the bus to your hearts content....
hello dan

mine is cut ant turned but not happy with it, thats why i have got another beam coming to replace it

i know money is not easy at the moment for you. cut and turning will lower it abit like mine#

but i know you want to SLAM it, so change beam with some dropped spindles and adjusters when money is avaliable
Don't cut and turn, cos you cannot really predict what the lowered height will be and.........

the van will drive like a pig
you'll curse every bump in the road
your partner will go bald from hitting head on roof
you will get angry and mean

If you really want to lower the van do it properly with dropped spindles. And as said above check the bank balance.

but what would I know :roll:
Ah right got actually gonna use it so not just a looksee.....

If you slam it on a cut an turn then the above will certainly be the case but then that goes for an extreme adjustable turn....

As the councillor will no doubt agree to do a well thought out slam job will take some engineering, with a multiple of methods used and by no means cheap, all have there pros and cons.....

certainly a mild cut and twist could be utilised as one of multiples if you dont intend to have beam adjusters welded in and go another route for raising and lowering the front (height adjustable dampers etc), now you need to see how low you want to go, and really work back from there, factoring in adjustability for useabilities sake....
To lower a bus and ride well budget at least £1k.

If you just want to 'see' if it looks better photoshop it, much cheaper and quicker, then save up to do it properly. I had a cut n turn, was not a great ride.

As the councillor says do a search on here, hot topic always.

The myth of just turn it a spline it will cost nowt goes with along with 'porcshe engine fits straight in'.

PS Welcome to the forum, we are a helpful lot, you started on a touchy subject :mrgreen:
The days of cut and turn, per se, are long gone given the useage nowadays of the drilling out and repositioning of the fulcrum spot weld method .... but its 'essentially' doing the same job, which in effect does the same job as welding in adjusters.

Upto 4 inches drop any of these methods will actually be fine. Id drill spotwelds and relocate the central fulcrum before cutting and turning though, and choose any adjusters carefully ;)

The basic method canm be done by a garage (T2D, pipjes and The Bus Station spring to mind) for upto £350, add about £100 for adjusters. Mines done like this and drives absolutely fine :)

If you want deeper than 4" youll need more stuff, a change of tyres and three times as much cash, probably.
I only put that in to garner a response .... something to wake me up and chuckle to .... :lol:

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