beardy weirdy?

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
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as some of you know im currently "between" jobs. Im going back to multi drop/delivery driving so im sending off CVs and application forms everyday.

Anyway this morning i get a call from UPS, cool as they have some great vans!
Woman on the phone doesnt speak english too well but we soldier on, Ive got five years multidrop experiance, had my (clean) license for 12 years so i think its going well.... Then "have you got long or short hair?" I think easy tiger weve only just met! Ive got longish hair in a ponytail... think bill baileys handsome brother
then she ask's "do you have a beard?" i say yes, so she ask's "would you shave it off for an interview or job?" i say "no i wouldnt"
Ok then interview over, UPS wont be needing my services!

Now im kinda biased here but surely being polite, honest, hard working and having the ability to do the job should outrank the fact you have a beard? im sure that its discrimination.
Luckily they didnt ask about tattoos, piecings or my crack habit! :shock:


Would you employ this man?
If that's what your good at then yeah.

I would not have a problem on employing anyone on apperance but ability to do the job! :wink:
dude i have had so many prospected job offers and when i went to the interview they mentioned my piercings etc. I usually have one or 2 things to say to them about this discrimination :twisted:

I actually got a few hundred pounds out of a very well know supermarket because they said that I had to remove my piercings etc, in order to get the job. They didnt point it out on the pre interview data, so when I took the day off from my job to go to the interview and the first thing they mentioned was this. I went mad, got my solicitor involved and needless to say, it paid for a holiday! yey!

Many dodgy laws out there that are rubbish. Remember its not a hazard to anyone and is in fact discrimination! they dont tell fatties that they cant work in a cake shop do they?! :lol:
hehe you could defo get a job as a Bill Bailey stunt/bum double if he ever makes a movie! :D . I see a striking resemblence

Bill Bailey rawks!
If you was old and they told you you didnt get the job caus you were to old, that would be classsed as age discrimination.

So what is the difference about your apperence. Yea you might look a little different, but that still doesnt mean you cant do the job, you would probibily do the job better than half of the usless jerks they employ.

Their loss, somthing better will turn up. :wink:

The same happened years ago when i tried for B&Q but i didn get past the automated message. I was young, fit and willing to work then. Just after i went into B&Q to buy somthing and they had employed a rather LARGE old person who didnt give a toss :?
Who employs these people then?
You should send that photo off with future applications. :D

It's definately discrimation if they won't employ you because of how you look. Get yourself one of those no win no fee lawyers on the case pronto. :lol:
get yourslef upto the local UPS office...get everyone to sit down and then roll up...everyone should chill then we'd all be happy. Tom Selleck would never have been as good as magnum PI without the tash.
MMMC said:
...Tom Selleck would never have been as good as magnum PI without the tash...

:lol: :lol: :lol:


That sounds like discrimination to me - you should have told them that you have a beard for religious reasons, I bet they wouldn't have turned you away then! It really sucks, you should deffo follow it up...

thanks for the support guys, im still kinda stunned by it, not sure weather i should be pee'd off or laughing!
I cant belive they can promote "beardism" how would a beard affect you doing your job?

im gonna email them to see what they say, like i said im well up to the job and there isnt anything in their ads saying you need to be clean shaven, i always go to work after having a shave... im not that scruffy!

By the way guys tom selleck is my dad! i was born with a tash! :shock:
its all discrimination, i just think it should be the right man (or woman) for the right job, ive never been asked if id shave the beard for a job.
its not like im in the food or medical service!

today i will be writing a letter of complaint

Beards are not a crime!
Just checked the BBC news website. Word is spreading fast! :shock:

funniest thread in the world!!

I am up for the dubbers against beardism group!

Lets get them stickers printed!
This news just in....

....a radical activist group against beardism, called the 'Beardies', have just won a test case in the European Supreme Court, outlawing all forms of discrimination against hairy men!


they were too excited to comment :lol:
I think weve got the ball rolling!
its about time someone took a stand.... maybe this is what i was born to do! :shock:

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