Best early bay colour?

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Sunny Isle of Anglesey
Hey ya'll

Well my van is going away for a while :( she's off to a mates garage to get the work done properly....
he's doing some welding underneath along with some panels etc (usual stuff :lol: )

he says within a couple of weeks it will be sitting in primer ready for me to choose a colour atm it looks like this.....

not sure what colour it is (obviously it's blue :lol: ) but it use to be neptune blue?

should i return it to stock? go for something else?


defo neptune blue

i'd go back to original colour. mine was Chianti red but some deadshit PO painted it a nondescript brown.
if the original colour was neptune blue......lucky you!
I'm feeling the love for delta green, savannah beige or quite fancy a custom olive green myself - though if I ever get it painted my wife will insist it'! All our cars end up being blue, it's a colour everyone seems to like!
Wikipedia states that white is the best colour overall , but if it was Neptune Blue, then its best repainted that colour ;)
lobie said:
defo neptune blue


stunning man!! love your van!! makes the decision easier for sure :lol:
don't see many neptunes with white top halves though? i like the split colour and white look.

cheers for all your comments everyone,

I was looking at a beige had an old mk2 golf a ew years back that was nevada beige.....what a colour!!
Neptune blue does look cool, but there are loads of cool VW colours that will look good on a bus" onclick=";return false;
anything that has patina but if you have to start with a fresh coat then got to say neptune blue, very cool colour and since it is the original it is a no-brainer.

do it... blue!

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