Buying an overseas bus

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
West Sussex

When you buy a bus from a European country or from the US, is there any document that legally makes you the owner of the bus - similar to our V5/registration document?

i.e. if you buy a bus from K-en-K (or CoolVW) or via the Samba, when is the bus technically, and actually, "yours"?


you need the american title called a lien and a bill of sale . once you have paid and your name is written on the lien you are the owner . i have imported stuff from the us before , but have never done one from europe (yet) but if you buy from k&k the duty is paid as with any vehicle imported from usa to europe , whoever ships it in pays the duty and once in europe its paid 8) we had a customer from holland imported a h2 hummer limo , we registered it for them , inspected by DVLA etc and then sent to holland , nothing to do with the duty etc , just that in holland they wont register limos over 8 passengers , in the uk we can , if done correctly
It is an odd one, the docs I had with my bus was a US title, a receipt from KnK and a load of stuff in Dutch.
DVLA thought it was a direct US import and wanted me to prove the duty had been paid, they didnt understand or accept the Dutch information and for a week or so it left me high and dry. DVLA wanted sure proof that duty to the Dutch authorities had been paid.KnK couldnt have been more helpful but there was genuinely little more they could do.
Eventually I got a letter from HMC in Dover to say they werent interested in confirming wether the Dutch govt had been paid, and that it should be classed as a EU import and I was good to go, but it was a pain.
Had I held back the US title theyd have been none the wiser and it would simply have been an EU purchase and no bother, plus they wouldnt have taken the US title off me :(
Live and learn. :)
Thanks guys :)

Any ideas on whether there's a "reg' doc" etc if the bus is originally from Europe?
There is a "reg' doc" overhere in Holland. It consists of three parts, two remain with the car, and the third one is changed when you buy or sell a car. I don't exactly know how this works when someone from outside Holland buys a car and wants to export it. When you like I can try to find out (connections, connections :wink: )

You can also ask your questions concerning buying and exporting a car from Holland here:

Hope this helps.
I had the titel ect when i got my bus, but in the excitment of registering it with the DVLA i forgot to make a copy. The DLVA then kept mine, it had the previous owners address ect wich in hindsite i would have liked to contact him for the history.............................

Thanks again guys :)

Hey Airtime, I sent an email to the RDW and hopefully they'll reply :p



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