Came back from Stanford Hall and....

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baron said:
my pass never turned up in the post, so couldn't join you guys on the club display

i did stop by to a squizz though, and was glad i hadn't joined you....

... some eeedyut had parked this big rusty thing in front of all the nice shiny buses :roll:

;) :mrgreen:

It was posted with the rest of them. I noticed you wernt there :(
Sorry, on behalf of the Post Office
as it happened a slow start that morning and a gentle cruise down arriving in time for lunch were just the job, so don't go apologising on Pats account, I didn't mind :)

not sure we could have fitted anymore in anyway!

Tell me about it as I ended up sorting the pitch out on the morning, initially they gave us about 1/2 the space we ended up with and we had to pinch some from the Beetle Cabriolet stand with the help of the organisers, they don't seem to realise how much space a bus takes up and to cap it all we had to cope with a tree in the pitch as well.

I know Mike wasn't too pleased when he saw what they had given us compared to the Audis next door which quite frankly looked like a parking lot for 80's cars :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Graham L said:
a parking lot for 80's cars


i remember the time when stanford was seen as one of the few remaining shows with a real vintage feel

this time in particular it felt very waterpumpery and square...

don't get me wrong, i like a nice car with comfy seats and electric windows, but really an audi tt in the show and shine.... :?:

still, it's a great show, and i for one quite liked the new parking arrangements, especially as we ducked them and parked with the traders :msn4:
You guys did a great job, thank you.

Ive reflected on the club area, and the amount of Early Bays that must 'just attend' the show and wonder how long, if ever, it might be before we could be allocated an area that can just be occupied .... like the SSVC? I know a lot of people comment they arent good enough vans to be on 'show' even though we are about enthusiasm, not concourse*.

Anyway, hopefully our presence can be built upon, year on year. We always fill, and generate interest, and are at the heart of what its all about (Audi TTs...... :? ) , imo. :)

* Anyone look at the bay window concourse entries in the show and shine this year?

(Loaded question)
Clem said:
You guys did a great job, thank you.

Ive reflected on the club area, and the amount of Early Bays that must 'just attend' the show and wonder how long, if ever, it might be before we could be allocated an area that can just be occupied .... like the SSVC? I know a lot of people comment they arent good enough vans to be on 'show' even though we are about enthusiasm, not concourse*.

Anyway, hopefully our presence can be built upon, year on year. We always fill, and generate interest, and are at the heart of what its all about (Audi TTs...... :? ) , imo. :)

* Anyone look at the bay window concourse entries in the show and shine this year?

(Loaded question)

i think that has to be a goal clem. i see some modern metalwork had taken the place of the SSVC this year, much to my disappointment, i was just pleased that they had only moved the splits (yes, i confess i enjoyed having a look) to the other side of the hall. we could have had some fun with the space they vacated and no mistake

i didn't look at the bay's in the show and shine, well other than a casual noting that the white one with the AA badges is still toughing it out in there :D
We enjoyed it great day, peeps and weather. Graham, great tip on the mirror turned through 90 deg on a lefty, could see the whole middle lane on the way home.

Next year i'll bring the chainsaw :p

I really didnt get the audi thing, some of them where just everyday cars. I'm sure joe public was a bit pee'd off to pay to get in and see those, when you can see them in a car park or scrapyard.

uber cool said:
I really didnt get the audi thing, some of them where just everyday cars. I'm sure joe public was a bit pee'd off to pay to get in and see those, when you can see them in a car park or scrapyard.

The whole VAG thing going back to the eighties, seeing those cars reminded me of my saturday car cleaning job, cleaned a lot of them when they were new and most VW's :D .

Lets face it if it was an Audi show thats all there would be, a bit boring thats why they they follow vw's.

Honest i do like Audis.
We had a great day, nice to meet you all.

I got to agree that EB needs more space, I've always preferred the widest range of vehicles at shows but I never did understand having an essentially new car in the show areas.

Matt Maz said:
I hope you get your van sorted Pete :)

Well got time to have a look at the bus today, took the carb off rebuilt it, messed with the engine and got it started after finding a dodgy connection on my points, sorted that and it starts like a dream, although i think i have buggered my accelerator cable whilst re fitting the carb, so got to have a look at that later, but a big thanks to gadgetboy and GrahamL for there technical weekend because with out that i would not even have tried to fix it and just payed out a **** load of money for what turned out to be something stupid,

Big thanks again, Whens the next one ???

Maybe the organisers think were a cosy bunch that dont mind hunching up......

would be good to get a bigger spot.....

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