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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2007
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Thought Ide start this as my enthusiasm has been re-ignited after a I bought a cool Fidelity CB200FM off Bwuttonmoon (cheers mate)

Ive had a CB radio for years, but never tuned the twig so think thats why I never had much luck with them recently. so just ordered a SWR meter to set things up correctly. Thought it would be great to use on roadtrips with mates in tow 8)

Found the Radio 10 codes...........so here goes 'Good Buddies'

10-1 = Receiving poorly

10-2 = Receiving well

10-3 = Stop transmitting

10-4 = OK, message received

10-5 = Relay message

10-6 = Busy, stand by

10-7 = Out of service, leaving air

10-8 = In service, subject to call

10-9 = Repeat message

10-10 = Transmission completed, standing by

10-11 = Talking too rapidly

10-12 = Visitors present

10-13 = Advise Weather/Road conditions

10-16 = Make pick up at

10-17 = Urgent business

10-18 = Anything for us?

10-19 = Nothing for you, return to base

10-20 = My location is

10-21 = Call by telephone

10-22 = Report in person to

10-23 = Stand by

10-24 = Completed last assignment

10-25 = Can you contact

10-26 = Disregard last information

10-27 = I am moving to channel

10-28 = Identify your station

10-29 = Time is up for contact

10-30 = Does not conform to FCC rules

10-32 = I will give you a radio check

10-33 = Emergency Traffic

10-34 = Trouble at this station

10-35 = Confidential information

10-36 = Correct time is

10-37 = Wrecker needed at

10-38 = Ambulance needed at

10-39 = Your message delivered

10-41 = Please turn to channel

10-42 = Traffic accident at

10-43 = Traffic tie up at

10-44 = I have a message for you

10-45 = All units within range please report

10-50 = Break channel

10-60 = What is next message number?

10-62 = Unable to copy, use phone

10-63 = Net directed to

10-64 = Net clear

10-65 = Awaiting your next message/assignment

10-67 = All units comply

10-70 = Fire at

10-71 = Proceed with transmission in sequence

10-77 = Negative contact

10-81 = Reserve hotel room for

10-82 = Reserve room for

10-84 = My telephone number is

10-85 = My address is

10-91 = Talk closer to the mike

10-93 = Check my frequency on this channel

10-94 = Please give me a long count

10-99 = Mission completed, all units secure

10-100 = Nature break

10-200 = Police needed at

Might be worth printing a copy for your glove box :lol:
Slang explained

Your 'handle' is the nickname you'll use when using a CB radio. Other CB users will refer to you by this nickname. One of the first things you'll be asked during a conversation is "what's your handle?"

Good Buddy
CB users are friendly folk, and everyone you speak to gets to be a good buddy whether you've spoken to them before or not. 'good buddy' is sprinkled throughout the conversation at ease - e.g. 'what's your handle, good buddy .....'

Ten-Four or sometimes just "Four"
The 10 code is used a lot in CB talk, and this one is probably used the most - Four is short for the ten code 10-4, which means acknowledged, ok, yes,etc.

Ten-Twenty or sometimes just "Twenty"
"What's your twenty?" is is asking what their current location is. This term comes from the ten-code 10-20.

Smokey or Smokey Bear
CB slang for a Police officer. A 'smokey in a plain brown wrapper' is slang for an unmarked police car and a "smokey report" is what CB users say when they pass on information such as the location of a police speed trap.

I'm gone
Used at the end of the conversation meaning you have finished transmitting and will no longer be listening. Also sometimes said as 'we down, we gone'

Prob best you check who you use this next one with :lol:

Back door
To say "at your back door" means that someone is driving behind you. "Knocking at your back door" means approaching from behind.

Front door
CB users just love to travel in convoy and this is the leader of a convoy.

Put the hammer down & Put the pedal to the metal
Slang for speeding up your vehicle - pressing the accelerator.

Seat cover
An attractive female passenger in the passenger seat.

Got your ears on?
Calling their 'handle' and asking someone if they are on the air and listening to you.

Breaker .... (followed by channel number)
Telling other CB users that you'd like to start a transmission on a channel. ("One-nine" refers to channel 19, the most widely used among truck drivers.)

Breaker, breaker to (CB user handle)
A slang term telling another user that you'd like to speak to them specifically or 'Breaker breaker - any taker ....' if you're just looking to chat with anyone

Meat Wagon
CB slang for an ambulance

Oh and my favorite

Kojac with a Kodak :lol:
What do you have to do to tune your ariel in using the SWR meter then Just?

The only dials I have are for Volume, Squelch, RF Gain and the Channel Selector. There's no tuning pots or anything else on the back????? I have a anologue needle which displays 'power' & 'signal' thats it..

I heard some amature radio geeks on it the other day and me and the misses tried to highjack their conversation but they either ignored us or didn't hear us! :lol: :lol: :lol: . So I'm not sure if my cb is sending out.

Thats a tidy bit of research on the cb slang though dude... gonna be up all night revising that....
I've recently acquired a new gutter mount Ariel for my old rig after reading a thread on TLB forums which re-ignited my interest.
I intend to use it on long journeys in the bus, eventually. Pass the time....

....Feel the love! 10-4 we gone! bye bye!
The idea is to tune the aerial to the wavelength that the rig sends out, this done by lengthening or shortening the actual aerial and you can only do this with a SWR meter inline when your sending out a signal. If the level is to high you will get rubbish signal at best or at wost blow a chip on your rig!

Once I've done mine next week I'll bring the meter to camper jam and any of you guys can use it to set yours up
Does anyone know the answer to my delema :shock:

At Brighton Breeze the other year i got pulled by the fuzz (thats police in slang - not pubes as you was thinking :lol: ) for using a hand held walkietalkie , where the lady plod said that it was ilegal to use any handheld radio device/ mobile phone! I took the slap on the wrist and went on my way.

It still bugs me however, as i think she was wrong, it is still a hand held cb radio - someone enlighten me pleeeeeze :?:
CB radio is Legal to use whilst driving, probably a loophole to allow the plod & ambulance services ect to get away with it
Exactly - but how do you stand using a handheld rather than wired in device?
I've just been cleaning my fidelity CB today ready for installation, its a really retro chrome thing can't wait till its in. I was wondering if there many on here who had one its just handy when your in convoy :D
Got a midland rig that I put in my mini when I was in my early 20's - used for a year then has sat unloved for another 10 or so! This is giving me inspiration for putting one back in......we should mandate CB's in buses.....earlybay channel anyone??
Perhaps you'd like to borrow my magazines I bought back in the late 70's/early 80's....

I remember that cover :oops: must still be in the attic with my 70s custom car,street machine mags .
back of another ten ,those hogs are intense.
Watching a few rigs on ebay....

Just had one on the test set for a mate and it got me thinking (dangerous) so now have an idea to get a couple for the busses....

Never really got into them in the 80s but quite like the idea of a rig whilst bumbling along at 50....

simo said:
Exactly - but how do you stand using a handheld rather than wired in device?

It's no a mobile phone so your exempt :lol: prob still get done for driving without due care tho
Trying to remember exactly how to set the swr as it`s been so long now. I do remember that you can`t get perfect so If I remember rightly you had to get a mean average swr (standing wave ratio) on channel 1 and 40 and average it out. If you receive on your rig without your swr sorted that`s ok but if you try and transmit (key the mike) that`s when you blow your goolies out of the rig :shock: The actual adjustment was altering the physical length of the twig (antena) usually with an adjustable bit on the tip. If they were heavily base loaded there wasn`t much of an issue. Also if you is using a magmount, try some tissue or thin cloth in between to protect your paint, and the twig works much better in the middle of the roof than on the gutter unless you got a pop top (GPA) but fine for in convoy :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, Keep your shiney side up and your greasy side down,breaker break, down and done :mrgreen:
Candles !!!! I was running a straight forty through 1000k set of boots with an Avanti Sigma Four giving me 27 DB Gain out of the roof of a Tranny on a 12 ` scaffold pole, then every now and then I`d hit my big Jumbo / multi mode but it used to trash my batteries. I wonder in real life how much it was chucking out running off of a couple of old car batteries in my old tranny ;) Used to DX a fair bit and most fun was catching the skip on the straight forty through the sigma four. CQ, CQ CQ DX, it` Whiskey Oscar Oscar One (me) :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, Just a bit over 35 about 56 candles in all good buddy :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:

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