Clearance issues with heater hose, exhaust & heat exchanger.

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2008
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So am having some issues with my Fünken frankensteined motor.

With the header I have, and the heat exchangers and the carb heat riser tube, I for the life of me can not get the flex tube on the heat exchanger because of the intense angle/flex.

Any ideas?

Pictures for explanation:

Plus intense angle for hose:

Ideal fix possibly?: 45ish degree offset formed from metal?

Any ideas, thoughts, or opinions? Thanks for any positive ideas you might have.
Most use aluminium pipe which you can bend and crush a bit where needed as per this :-" onclick=";return false;
I had the same issue, went to pop on the new hoses just before we went out and, thinking it must be a job so simple even I couldn't struggle with, popped the old ones off without really thinking. I then spent almost an hour messing with them while my mrs wondered aloud why we swapped a Mondeo for an early bay as a daily runner :)

For me at least, it was a case of perseverance. I had the cheapo cardboard tubes from Just Kampers, and I eventually flattened them just enough to get clearance with a bit of jiggling, before popping them out again.
admwllms said:
I had the same issue, went to pop on the new hoses just before we went out and, thinking it must be a job so simple even I couldn't struggle with, popped the old ones off without really thinking. I then spent almost an hour messing with them while my mrs wondered aloud why we swapped a Mondeo for an early bay as a daily runner :)

For me at least, it was a case of perseverance. I had the cheapo cardboard tubes from Just Kampers, and I eventually flattened them just enough to get clearance with a bit of jiggling, before popping them out again.

Does the cardboard not get too hot where it touches the exhaust?
I say cardboard, but they are a bit more substantial than cardboard. Didn't seem to get too hot and they were identical to the ones I replaced, so fingers crossed should be okay...
Think it was CSP that so some stainless steel versions. Will just about bend and flex but won't crush. Bit more pricey but last a lifetime.
Try mounting the lower end first. I also make cuts about 1 cm long around the circumference of the tube to allow it to expand and fit around the HE. Once on then clamp with the clip. The top end the same.

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Thanks everyone for the feedback.

Perseverance paid off, did the same thing @admwillms thought ahh, easy peasie, pulled off the old one long night setting up my pulley system. And then a day later got back at it and fixed, I actually use aircraft heater hose availible in different sizes and works like a dream! (Its what they put on small aircraft engines, is sturdy and works like a dream, if dreams work. One of those improvements that really will last the life of my Vw. Thanks again you are always if anything good mental floss to run my small obsticles through and to be advised in positive and constructive ways!

Your Alaskan counterpart.

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