Crankcase breather

Early Bay Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2008
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My engine bay is covered in a layer of oily nastyness which im assuming is coming from the crankcase breather (next to the alternator). What do people usualy do with this? i was going to weld a stainless connector on the top of one of my airfilters and just vent it into there, or do people vent it out beneath the engine? Ive seen breather boxs for sale do i need one of these?
Just connect it to one of your air filters.

The external breather boxes are a waste of time. :)
WHS ^^^^^ Those small breather boxes are total ***** and defeat the whole point of crankcase breathers - which is to produce slight negative pressure in the crankcase by being connected to the air filter. Breathers that just vent through one of the nasty little breather boxes gum up with oily gunge then you have positive pressure in the case, then the crank oil seal blows, then you have to drop the engine, etc etc etc.

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