Crossover list!

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Hello my name is Rustydiver and i have a crosser :oops: .
Should we call the club crossers anonymous.
Mines a 72 with high indicators and proud of it, its good to be different.

Its a pannel van conversion.
mines a 72 danbury 8)

Mine's on a K, built April '72 and first registered in July '72. Originally a Devon inniagra blue/white. Now home made interior and diamond blue/white. Currently being assembled after a re-spray.
That's quite a list we've got goin on here! I was thinking we could get some crossover window stickers made up? If anyones got a catchy idea/design post it and I'll get them made up for those interested!

A few suggestions on this thread, not all could be used though!
I still like 'Earlybay COP'
(cross over posse)
ok so far I'm liking shaggys cross over coalition, and halfpint fighters earlybay cop! My bro makes stickers, so if we can decide on a name we can get our little sub club up an goin! List your name and prefernce of group name! I could have stickers made and sent out in no time!
My August 71 Dormobile on a K says it was built in 70, registered in 71 but has the characteristics of a crossover - how do I confirm?


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I'm no expert but crossovers seem to be K or L plates and you certainly have the standard cross over features.

I can't imagine someone taking an early bay and grafting in larger air intakes and rear lights!
panchocrossover said:
That's quite a list we've got goin on here! I was thinking we could get some crossover window stickers made up? If anyones got a catchy idea/design post it and I'll get them made up for those interested!

Did anything come of the window sticker idea? My window decoration needs updating and want to show my pride in having a crossover! :D :D
I'm still up for it, so if any1 else is list below, I'll get a design drawn up and posted!

Pancho - earlybay coc
'71 Dorma - Earlybay COP :p
I'm still up for it, so if any1 else is list below, I'll get a design drawn up and posted!

Pancho - earlybay coc
'71 Dorma - Earlybay COP
Rustydiver - COC
I would like to have a little go at coming up with something as well if that is ok, how many colours are you going for and how are they going to be printed
Ok two quick Ideas, one based on the 76 logo, and the other based on the 1939 VW logo.
72 logos.jpg

And maybe a Jack one :D

Jack 72.jpg

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