Cruise to the Prom

Early Bay Forum

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mr scoops

Well-known member
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Hi Folks

Just a reminder to you all about this years Cruise to the Prom, (brought to you by Der Blitzen Sphincters VW Club and with The Old Dub Shop).
All details can be found on" onclick=";return false;
It’s happening on Sunday April 17th. As before the meeting point is at Brean, Unity Farm, (TA8 2RB), with the gates at Brean opening at 9am and the cruise leaving at 11am.
There’s camping there the night before, so make sure you mention ‘Cruise to the Prom’ when you book to get a discounted rate.
We’re raising money for Weston Hospicecare and the RNLI this year with the entry remaining at £5 per vehicle. So let’s hope we can add to the £7000 that the previous 4 events have raised.
We’re having a club stands lawn this year again, don’t forget all club stands are on a pre-booked basis only, with a maximum of 25 cars per stand.
To pre-book your stand or if you have any other questions etc let me know at ‘[email protected]
For those of you that are on Facebook there is a CTTP group and an event set up so come and join us and invite your vee-dubbing mates too.
I have put up the details on there of this years tee-shirts, hoodies and mugs etc. These will be available to order on the day, or you can pre-order for collection on the day
Hope to see you there…….
(Mr Scoops)
We will be along to this one, last years was great




Hummm that was the last time the car got washed, must get around to doing it again.:oops:
And with the new look Weston sea front, if they have finished it yet. All I can remember is it looking like the costa brava with all the improvements going on.
It's :oops: really so close to Weston I havnt been back since last April.
Big BUGGER :evil: just found out today I got to work on that Sunday.
I only work one or two Sunday's a year and they both clash.

Bloody government and their local elections and national referendum, I'm helping get ready for May 5th.
Yay! i will be there for sure 8)
I tried to sign up to your forum (TOVC) Easy but no-one got back to me.
Would your club be interested in a club stand??
Here's a quick little update for you.
We have 3 pitches left for clubs to reserve, first come, first served.
We also have a couple of samples of this years merchandise in now too.



These are available in white or grey and to pre-order to collect on the day..........

Adults Tee-Shirts are £12 each
Adults Hoodies are £17 each
Kids Tee-shirts are £10 each
Kids Hoodies are £13.50 each

Mugs are £5 each
Teddies wearing a mini CTTP tee-shirt are £6 each

Payment can be by cheque or by Paypal using [email protected] as the address.
Please email all orders to [email protected] by Friday 8th April to ensure you stuff is ready in time for collection.

Any questions about this or anything else to do with this years Cruise To The Prom please don't hesitate to contact me.
All the club stands are taken now, but are any Early Bayers coming for the day??
Ive always missed this before, but really hope to be there this year!
I`ll probably be there missed last year did not have bus until the august of last year but walked through the show making my mind up on whether to buy the bus i have now
funny how life can change with in a year :shock: :D
cheers shaun ;)
Im going, who else from here is going? come and say hello 8)
I'll be there (really enjoyed my first visit last year - top show) but in the Golf as the van is still in bits in the garage. It will be my 3 month old son's first VW show! :D
I'm going now, the wife is going to work for me on that Sunday and be me :msn4: I think I might owe her big time.
I'll be going in my split crew cab :D

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