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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
West Sussex
Hi guys,

Due to unfortunate/unforseen events, I now find myself with no digi-cam :(

I did have a Sony A200 dslr - which although took great pictures I never really thought it as good as it should have been (I thought our old Canon a650 compact was as good).

So... I need/want to get another camera but am slightly put off dslr's by my a200 and have been looking at Fuji Finepix s5800 - which are classed as 'superzoom' (a halfway between compacts and dslr I think). Are these type of camera's worth it, or should I take the plunge and get another dslr (the Pentax km/k2000 looks pretty cool)?

Thank you,


DSLR's are great pieces of kit and have the potential to give you much better results than a compact. get the most out of them you have to be pepared to get into the nitty-gritty of photography. Are you interested in learning how to manually control the various camera settings, how to set the correct exposure etc. If not, then you won't really get the most out of SLRs.

If you want to concentrate on taking good photos, leaving the camera to worry about the technicalities, then I would go for one of the new compacts or superzooms.

This link will take you to a great site for camera reviews and has some very good forums, full of advice:

Hope this helps.


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