does anything sell?

Early Bay Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
as above .. ive been watching this for ages on here.. tons of people putting wanted.. a van! when there is plainly loads on the for sale sections all over? and by the look of it they arnt buying.. as people are putting links up for these wanted add's( taking time to do with sometimes not even a thanks not for me), but they still dont want it. and its the same vans just bump bump all week long.. so what im trying to find out,is where do these van finally sell? i dont think its here thats all. ta
it did but not from here thats why i placed the question !! as all adds like i said are nearly bumps.
i sold my old bus here in less than a week and bought my new one on here also
It depends on price, the quality of the bus and how well you describe it. We sell more earlybays on here than anywhere, and I'll bet my house on that.
I think the difference between here and ebay or somewhere like VZi is if a buyer has found their way to this forum they either know what they are looking at, they have done their homework or are looking for something specific. As a result to make a sale on here it needs to be the right van at the right money.
I'm divided at mo,I have my bus on here and vzi and lots of questions but nothing really,I.dont feel alone as there seems to be others in same place due to slow market and maybe a resurgence in cheaper beetles?

I didn't aim too sell my bus so soon and invested heavily and although still a driving project I'm not sure what expectations are at moment?

May have too add a westy interior to get it sold???

Can't give it away!!! Lol
I bought mine here last week, but price has gotta be right for a sale to happen, I get the feeling from some ads ( all over, not here specifically) that many are priced somewhat optimistically?
69PROJECT said:
I'm divided at mo,I have my bus on here and vzi and lots of questions but nothing really,I.dont feel alone as there seems to be others in same place due to slow market and maybe a resurgence in cheaper beetles?

I didn't aim too sell my bus so soon and invested heavily and although still a driving project I'm not sure what expectations are at moment?

May have too add a westy interior to get it sold???

Can't give it away!!! Lol

Would sell easier with an interior, at this time of year the majority of people are looking for a van that they can just load with their camping gear and go.
Ive sold vans here over the years. Im convinced its down to the right price and presentation. Ive mentioned before, why do people post pics of their van full of crap and in need of a good clean and expect it to sell for thousands of pounds
I bought mine through a classified ad in Volksworld mag, before I knew any better or was even aware of the forum. I now know that I paid over the odds, so lesson learned.

Whilst I have no intention of selling, I know for sure that I'd buy through the forum next time, as I feel I can trust the guys and gals on here, and have a much better understanding of values.

I have bought loads of bits and pieces through the forum over the past couple of years too, and have always felt that the deal was fair to both parties.
