Dual ICT's or IDF's?

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2008
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Hi all,

I'm after some advice off those who know? I'm running a TES Big Bore 1641 motor with 009 dizzy and want to know which carb kit i should fit to get the best out of my motor? I'm not looking to run down any drag strips but just want good usable power. What do you think and does anyone have any figures/pros/cons on either.

As above but i am a big weber 34 icts fan :mrgreen: extra power and better fuel economy combined with a vac dizzy cant be beaten for general use.

If you want a bit of extra beans and fuel cost isnt to much of a problem, get some 40idfs on the old girl! that will liven her up a bit and give you that good extra push up them hills 8)
I'm running the same engine and have got ICTs and am very pleased with them. Depends what you can afford I guess, but I reckon the ICTs are well up to the job.
pete nice said:
40's or 36's for the win.

ICT's are cheap & don't last the test of time...

Sorry mate dont agree with that atall on the ICT front ;) ICTS are quality if you buy the right ones direct from CB or Euro Carb for example ;) Loads of people I know run them including me and dont have any problems whatsoever. A great carb for what you get out of them when fitted. :D
I had some IDF's once and they were great!!!

I have ICT's now and they are great too!!!


IDF's will give you more tuning versatility if you ever wish to run a BIG motor.

Just my opinion :)
In the long term, the spindles can wear quicker on an ICT. With a hex bar linkage it puts a load on the spindle. A swivel linkage is better if you do use them. They are cheap & cheerful & do the job.

DRLA's are much more refined & tunable.
Yea i have 40idfs on my notch and they is the kiddy! :D
Idf's or Drla's all day long. Weber Ict's are always going to be a compromise. They just don't tune up very well, especially with boat anchor motors! The throttle spindles seem to wear out in a few thousand miles, too :shock:
Depends on your budget, if you can afford ICT's then go for it but if you can wait and find a decent set of IDf's or DRLA's then there a different ball game.
ICT's are single barrel carbs where as IDF's & DRLA's are twin barrel carbs and thats why the price is so vastly different.
I'm thinking of ICT's as anything more on my stock 1600 will be over kill, in my opinion anyway
I have 34 icts on me van and it runs like a dream and has done for years on them. I also have 40idfs on my notch and that is used as a daily, it also runs like a dream but has a serious amount of power and likes to drink fuel when the money pedal is pushed down to far :lol: