Early bay or Late bay

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Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Obviously no bias on here but i'll go ahead and ask the question , so please make a newbie to the scene welcome

Why should i choose a Early bay over the later model?

lights blue touch paper and stands back :msn4:
I have niether......but if I had a choice I'd go for an early every time. Why? I just think they look better, the bumpers, lower indicators and smaller rear lights make them look lower in my mind (after slamage of course!), plus they have a bit more of an oldschool appeal to them,

Would I rock a late bay?? Hell yeah, but I'd do one a completely different way to how i'd do an early.

To be honest, with prices nowadays I'll be happy with whatever I manage to get my hands on!! :lol:
also added benefit of removable rear valance, makes engine removal mucher easier.

But main reason looks :mrgreen:
Why not both :lol:

earlies everytime as a first choice on style

mind you the T4 2ltr engine in the old westy was hard as nails and looking forward to getting my hands on the 79 crew
We have just bought our first bus and went for the Early Bay.

Personally I think it is the best looking of ALL the buses and probably the most practical for camping which is what we want it for.
PS, corker of a first post, this will be upto 20 pages by tonight :mrgreen:

Welcome to the forum
I think Ego puts it best:

"Always Early, Never Late"

I love all aircooled but the Early bays are the best compromise of looks, space and drivability (when the steering box works properly) :mrgreen:

Welcome to our second home.
I prefer the looks of the early (and the tax exempt-ness - I'm a tight student ;) ).

However, I've nothing against late bays - mechanically they are better (type 4 engines FTW) and can look good with the same treatment I'd give an early bay.

But whatever you can get yours hands on in as rust free a condition as possible for your budget ;)
My first choice would be an earlybay Westfalia , but I would love to get my hands on a late crew cab or panel van to haul parts to the shows.
Earlybays just make me smile every time I see one :D
Latebays have the power to get places faster.
So ideally one of each.
I agree with basically everything said so far (usually do, but not always :lol: )
For me, the clean lines, split rear lights and low lights just look spot on( ha ha). I'm not gonna slag off Lates (although I'd like to :lol: ) but I believe that Earlies are just that bit more 'classic' and everyone I see looks amazing. This is also the ONLY forum! No other can touch it 8)

Wouldn't want to swap mine for any other bus :mrgreen:
I would, even if it is a late..

I have both.. :party0009:

and one of those...^^^^^^^^^^

But I only get in the one what has the most petrol in... 8)

I like them all... :mrgreen:
Welcome fella ...

I must say that i feel obliged in my duty to pass on the same information that i will pass onto my son when he is old enough ..

... ' Make it an early son! .. you'll not regret it! '

It really is personal opinion but heres mine for what its worth ..

Splitty .. Looks nice, not a practical .. would have one as a second bus .. ( Doka!)

Early bay .. Technically so much better than previously mentioned but the looks are spot on ..Still looks vintage with the cool bumpers and small lights ..

Late bay ... well, remember Babs windsor on carry on camping .. thats 'early bay' .. now look at her on Enders .. thats 'late bay' ... its the same .. but just not quite!! :shock:

I'd have either rather than none tho! :D


No ones mentioned T25's yet!
Hilly_70 said:
Late bay ... well, remember Babs windsor on carry on camping .. thats 'early bay' .. now look at her on Enders .. thats 'late bay' ... its the same .. but just not quite!! :shock:

:lol: :lol: I like it :lol: