Empi header doesn't fit

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hello all,

I recently bought a single quite pack off vw heritage and new heat exchangers. I fitted the heat exchangers then offered up the header. I was some what surprised when it didn't line up! The two top pipes that mate to the cylinder heads are aligned correctly, but the two pipes that push onto the heat exchanger stubs do not. These two header pipes haven't been positioned wide enough apart. Speaking to VW heritage, they say they are all like it! They have spoken to EMPI but to date, EMPI have not corrected this problem.

So.. has anyone got any tips to bend these pipes into the correct position. Is it just a case of putting a bar down the header tubes and bending them?

Any help greatfully received!
Loosley bolt it all in place, then push and bend it into place and then tighten up ... its like an organic process where it will form into part of your van. :)
glad someone else had this problem before me :lol: i know how to fix it when mine doesnt fit now.
sparkywig said:
But make sure it fits all the way onto the heat exchanger stubs or it'll keep blowing.

That's my problem.. the header doesn't even reach the heat exchanger stubs before fouling against the engine support bar. It's like these two header pipes haven't been made long enough. VW Heritage assure me that there's no point in them sending me another as they are all the same!!

I've pursuaded a work mate to help me with his oxy-asthetelene, but surely I shouldn't have to do this?

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