Engine failure

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
Hi all

Advice needed please I purchased a 71 T2 bay window last weekend and I took it into a garage yesterday to get it serviced and the engined tuned and received the below response this afternoon.

Hi simon, after diagnosing the misfire, we have found there is excessive end float on the crankshaft indicating worn bearing. It also has no compression on no1 cylinder and very little on no2 cylinder. No3&4 are ok. Due to this I uwould recommend a full rebuild too ensure reliability in future. Regards James.[/color]

On speaking to the bloke I brought it off (eBay) he states it was fine when he sold it to be even though it was misfiring he just put it down to needed tuning etc and me being naive believed him. He had it in a garage the month before and they did some stuff to it including taking the engine out and putting it back.

Could it be something that the garage did to cause this or do you think the guy knew what was wrong when he sold it ?


Don`t sound good do it. Not if the seller has just been to a garage and had the motor in and out and the garage couldn`t get it running right. What other reason would you take the motor out for ?? if not to try and fix it, unless you were painting the engine bay.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, Don`t like the sound of this one little bit,,sorry.
Agreed ozziedog

I am awaiting to hear back from the garage to see what they say but not holding my breath ;(
I would tend to agree with ozziedog, sorry :cry: I think the p.o. almost certainly knew if he'd had it in the garage just before selling. I had a similar problem when I bought my camper in that I couldn't get it to run right , took it to a garage and neither could he, on checking further found the same problem as you ie lack of compression on a couple of cylinders. But it wasn't sold to me as a sorted runner and I knew that there were issues, I bit the bullet and had a recon engine fitted. Good luck.
jonboylaw said:
Likely exhaust valve burnt on number1 and 2. Pretty certain the PO knew is was on the way out.

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If this is correct ^^^ and this fella knows his onions a bit or he`s a remarkably good guesser, might be able to pop a second hand head on to run it the rest of the summer while you gather your wits. Then come winter rip it out and give it what for with a rebuild, by then you may know a bit more about the motor. If you go very steady you might be lucky with a new head and a bit of a re tune (fingers crossed smiley)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,, BUT just for this season,, maybe :mrgreen:
Good call

But already bitten the bullet and ordered a rebuilt and going away to Cornwall with the family for the first adventure of many in the camper iris July so want it to be right and not worrying about it ;)
I use a leak down tester, you plug it into a compressor with the engine in gear and the brakes on. You can hear the air either rushing out the inlet or exhaust ports or bubbling in the sump, it tells you if it is valves or rings.
As Ozzie says, whip it out, head off and check, if valves then you may be lucky and get away with new vales and a lap job <£30 if you do it yourself.

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no from a guy in Marlborough in Wiltshire.

He had some work carried out in a place called Chilees Classic Resorations in May and had the engine removed and found no1 and mo2 head bolts undone, inspection carried out and no damage found, engine re assembled and re fitted and engine run to working temp all ok,

He is refusing to take responsibility for it now being nackered and requiring a rebuild so looks like Im coughing up for the full amount :(
It sounds like the head studs may be pulled, could be much more expensive. Contact the garage, ask their report on what they found and advised. Once you have the details you can decide what to do next.

Did you but it as a private sale or via eBay etc?
You may consider a small claims procedure against him if the garage throws up a nasty, you can claim up to £1000. Speak to Citizens Advice once you have contacted that garage and got their report and that of your garage.

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Hi Jon

Thanks was a private sale, was on ebay but completed off line :(

Tried to contact the garage but they are not interested and citizens advice seem to think as it was a private sales it is sold as seen :(
Tell the garage you will name them in a suit if they do not disclose what issues were found by them. Make a big noise about your legal team will now be involved and they have 7 days to comply.
Also was the can sold as seen? Or did he claim it was running well etc..

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Hi Jon

Well in the update on ebay item number 161324117973 it states "pulls like a train" and ready to drive away, so you can make of that what you think.

Really appreciate to assistance.

To be honest, you could spend ages trying to get the chap to to the decent thing, but I doubt he will move. I'd whip the engine out and take the heads off to see what us causing the loss of compression. If you are lucky it could be a couple if exhaust valves that need replacing. These are a piece of piss to do if you can get a valve spring compressor that fits. You can also sort out all that sealant gunk that seems to be on all the joints...
Not the best news I know, but put it down to experience and try and get it on the road as soon as so you can use it.

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