gearshift - rod bushings

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Feb 29, 2012
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Fitted my refurbished box, new coupler at the nosecone but been somewhat underwhelmed by the other 'aftermarket' parts I bought.

For the rear rod I reused the plastic spacers that were in - they were better that the replacements. I changed the little plastic sleeve on the leading edge of the front rod, but its a bit rubbish. Also, my EMPI quick shift aluminium spacer needed a good bit of fettling with the dremel to properly capture the shift lock plate properly.

Not that I've any real intention of taking everything apart again (except perhaps the bush on the front rod) I still have a question.

Is there anything better out there? I'd have been quite happy to pay more for the components given the hassle involved fitting cheep stuff just isn't worth it.

BTW, it all seems to work ok, just feel that better/closer tolerances would make it better
Cheapo Chinese ****. I re used my old rear cage and swapper the rubbers rather than use the new cage as it looked rubbish.

My quick shift base fitted fine and I have no issues with it, although I have seen plastic kits now that look a little crappy.

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