Good and or Bad

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
Reaction score
Just an idea we all buy the same stuff , How about in a Top Gear styleee why dont we have a cool wall type thing with Good and Bad shops / suppliers etc for VW parts , vans etc . to act as a guide for who to use and who to steer clear of :? Do you understand ?
I understand. But sometimes its difficult to 'black list' one company because the service can vary for other people.

For example, i have read alot of slagging off towards JustKampers, but my experience has alwas been positive. Although i have only bought minor service parts and curtain rails the deliveries were on time, postage costs were resonable and product quality good.

On the otherhand, SSP were useless. Constantly getting my orders wrong both online and by the phone. I will not shop there again but im sure other people will.

GSF are ok, but it depends on who you speak too. Not everyone who works there is a Vdub specialist. I needed some head to heat exchanger gaskets. Although they were only a quid each, they wanted £8 postage! Not a big problem tho, as its only down the road from me and i go to Birmingham all the time.

By far the worst people iv come across are ?????? Bugger i cant remember their name :oops: Volks-something.
They are a volkswagen breakers based in Birmingham, off the M5. They are usually at the big shows selling 2nd hand parts tipped in boxes etc... They always have the thing i need, but at stupid prices. £15 for a type4 timing mark that you can but brand new for £10. The same for the grill that goes over the pulley/fan. £12 for a filthy radio blanking plate missing the rear part. £30 for a steering column cowl for a late bay...and this one was butchered! They dont even haggle.

Machine7 are by far the best. Although they are a bit pricy, their service is the best. I usually like to drive to the shop as its not too far. The lads are always helpfull and know what they are talking about.
WHS ^^^^ especially with companies like GSF who have many branches all of which offer differing service, I've not tried the new one in Peterborough yet, though the staff were well helpfull on the week before they opened....

Everybodies experiences are so different, unless of course we can out the real con artists the ones that blight peoples experiences of dubs...

And of course bring to light the real gents in the business "SK" that are there to serve and only enhance peoples experiences especially when there on a real downer and nothing seems to be going right...
Definately agree with the above, different people have different expierences with companies. Luck of the draw I guess.

On a similar note how about we do an EarlyBay awards, bit like they do over on Retro Rides?

We could have a category for best supplier that way companies only recommended companies get praised? As well as that we could have numerous other categories (best show, forum member of the year, most helpful member, best bus, best person called Jabbo etc etc :lol: )
Dude, Please.... no 'Mister Earlybay' awards :roll:

I know a guy, he had to kiss alot of ass to get his position up on volkzone.


this stuff might help?

We could have a 'Best Moobs', i dont mind coming second :lol:
Johnnyâ„¢ said:
Dude, Please.... no 'Mister Earlybay' awards :roll:

The forum member of the year system on RR works alot better than the system on VZi. It's generally the members that have helped most people or given most back to the forum that get nominated. It's not necessarily a popularity contest like VZi.

Now, I'm off to stock up on chocolate and fatty foods so I'm in with a shot of the best moobs award! :lol:
I'd like to nominate my bus as scrapyard dodger of the year :wink:

I'd nomiate myself for the 'Contributes now't 'cept useless twaddle' award - see, told you :wink:

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