Had to happen sooner or later

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Active member
May 30, 2009
Reaction score
Stevenage, Herts
Happened today :oops: Returning home from picking up chest freezer in Catford (London). Just pulled off M25, A10 junction. Was cruising along quite nicley, coming up to a green light, first one all day, so decided to increase the throttle
action :p , then it happened..... Absolutley nothing :cry: Engine still running, but no power.WTF. Coasted to a standstill in a conveniently located lay by, come, someones driveway. Investigated still running engine in the hope that i would become an instant expert in all things aircooled. Needlless to say this did not happen, thats when the engine died. Took me about a second to decide that i should call someone that did know what to do, this being a 0800 number provided by Heritage insurance. To cut a very tedious story short, GOT RESCUED :p . The mechanic was brilliant, even appologised that it took him 40 mins to reach me, as far as i was concerned that was a very rapid response time. Bearing in mind i put £40 petrol in the tank before i set off it turned out to be a lack of fuel that caused my problem. The milage guage read 81068 when i left Stevenage. There was at the very least £40 worth of fuel in tank, but probably closer to £50, has'nt been used much latley. Drove to Catford Via A10,M25,A2, no probs. Coming back got as far as A10 at Broxbourne/Hoddesdon(broke down), Milage reading 81181. So the bus has used £40-£50 of fuel and emptied :( . Just don't add up. The recovery guy thinks i should get the carb setup looked at. The Bus is running on a 1776 Mac Performance twin carb engine, he thinks that it needs tuning up to lower the fuel consumption. Anyone have any advice for me, really not that technical i'm afraid. Before anyone asks, the fuel gauge is dead, probably the sender unit. Did post something a while back about how to get around not running out of fuel. Took advice given, honest, was only driving at a steady 50-55 mph. This would mean by my calculations that i was using approx 55ps worth of fuel for every mile travelled. Surely not, its a Dormobile, not a Veyron. Any clues or advice out there please. Cheers Col. :roll:
Dont worry, intelligence has to be present in order to insult it :D . Not stolen definatley. Put £30 of fuel in last night, underneath is bone dry. Must be a problem with set up. Thanks for the pointers though, sometimes if you look to hard you dont see the problem that has been staring you in the face. Col. :roll:
Pretty sure that when I had the 1776 in my old bug £25 of petrol wouldn't last much more than about 60 miles - but then I did use to rag the ar$e of it :lol:

So maybe 120 miles on £40/£50 sounds right (taking into account the extra weight of the bus etc etc)?

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