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Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
It seems hes an earlybay fan after all!


:shock: :shock: :msn4:
Strange how something like that happens every time he's away for a bit isn't it?

... anyone would think he has renegade Admin staff :lol: :mrgreen:
hailfrank said:

actually like most people on here i really wanted a split


not on your life dooder! i would rather have an earlybay than a samba and i can HONESTLY say that :D the most sought after van for me is an earlybay ambulance say a 67 :mrgreen:
I wouldnt say no to a samba but it would be pure eye candy and therefore a pointless exercise, nope bays for me too and a razor has been given the nod from Helen but as her car to replace her passat :x I keep telling her she needs a nice squareback for the dogs......

You still seeking an ambulance then easy.....
Technohippy said:
Strange how something like that happens every time he's away for a bit isn't it?

... anyone would think he has renegade Admin staff :lol: :mrgreen:
afternoon hf what you doing over here then?apart from annoying the locals!
hailfrank said:

actually like most people on here i really wanted a split


You'll find that a lot of us on here have owned splits, and decided that an early bay is the best of both worlds. :roll:

I went from 72 to 52 to 60 then to my 69, family comes first and the bay fits the bill. :mrgreen:

It is good to see the cross banter, should make for an interesting show season. ;)

Araon said:
I wouldnt say no to a samba but it would be pure eye candy and therefore a pointless exercise, nope bays for me too and a razor has been given the nod from Helen but as her car to replace her passat :x I keep telling her she needs a nice squareback for the dogs......

You still seeking an ambulance then easy.....

Maybe................... ;)
easy said:
hailfrank said:

actually like most people on here i really wanted a split


not on your life dooder! i would rather have an earlybay than a samba and i can HONESTLY say that :D the most sought after van for me is an earlybay ambulance say a 67 :mrgreen:

Likewise, earlybay any day of the week. sambas have too many windows, if you turned 1 into a camper the cost on curtains would rival the price of the van itself :lol:
lol hi guys still talking about me :lol:

to clear it up i've had a split and a prototype etc blah blah blah

as long as it's a vw who cares blah blah blah.

anyway see you at battle of the bays when we take the trophy! :mrgreen:
faux said:
davebug said:
me too as well boys,earlybay over clit screen all day long !

Now they wouldn't like that on ssvc :mrgreen: :roll: :oops:

wot drivin down the motorway with those 6v headlamps ! :shock: :shock:

wheres the torch? i cant see where we are goin! :lol:

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