Help! New Outer Scrapers letting Water in!!!!

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2008
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I'm after a bit of advice please... I recently fitted all new seals on my 72 resto Crossover....

In the heavy rain the other night i thought it would be a perfect test for the new rubber... WELL!!!

everything was good except that the front cab outer scrapers were letting water in like a tap... I brought these from Schofields and were genuine VW parts...

Any advive on what to do!?... I can't silicone them up as the window has to move up and down...

Is it normal for a certain amount of water to seep through?... i'm really hacked off over this!!!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!...


I found out recently that they do let in water and are designed that way.
Behind your door panels should be some plastic covering to protect the card from the damp as the water runs inside the door and out of the holes in the bottom.
If you have taken off the plastic you need to replace this.

Before I did mine i cleaned all the crap from inside the doors and gave them a good wax oil. I the used some strong decorators plastc dust sheeting and stuck this on with a good double sided tape to seal the door and protect the panls.

Just make certain your holes are't blocked under the doors to let the water out.

Do all of this and you'll be ok.

Yep, this is normal even on modern cars. The drain holes on he bottom of the door are there to let that water out. I guess you've only see the amount of water because the door card was off, otherwise normally you'd be none the wiser...unless there was no plastic membrane and the door card starts to disintegrate!
do i stick the membrane inside the door aperture or on the outside???...
inside would obviously be better but what about the window gear!???

also what have you guys done to install door speakers in this case!?...
you need to install the membrane between the door card and the door on the outside so you have a good seal.

Speakers maybe a problem but you could leave more material so it stretches over the speaker magnet at the back.
this should go on the outside, trim it to fit the recessed area where the door card sits, i use 3m windscreen sealer to seal mine, as it stays tack if you want to remove it.

this is a different car, but it gives you an idea of what you need to do
Also don't forget to replace the rubber gromits where the panel clips go in to keep the seal tight.

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