Hey Mods - Problems Logging in!!!!

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Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Mods,

I would gladly offer to pay a subscription a year but unfortunately I have been unable to log in for the last week!!

Can you please help me? I have had to log in on a mates account as, since the crash my account isn't recognising me, I have tried setting up as a new member too but the forum hasn't sent me a registration email so no luck there!!

I have PM's I need to read as I have recently bought stuff from other members....


who? (not Crewsader!)
Sorry you have been having problems but if you have problems it is best to either PM one of us or email Johnny (he does have a life and will probably be enjoying the Christmas festivities).

Please remember there are over 3000 members to help and support.

Please let us know the username of the account that's stuck and we can manually activate :)
faux said:
Sorry you have been having problems but if you have problems it is best to either PM one of us or email Johnny (he does have a life and will probably be enjoying the Christmas festivities).

Please remember there are over 3000 members to help and support.


Yeah, I would PM johnny if I could log in.....I will PM him from this account, but it is a mates account and he ain't got a problem!

I have e-mailed Johnny and he kindly force activated but nothing works still and I have since had no resplies to email!

I totally appreciate that xmas and new year have taken priority by the way, just would like feed back if anything can be done etc.

This is my favourite forum and I feel isolated from the party!!

Username is : who?
Johnny said:
sorted out now please login with the details you gave me.


Johnny, many thanks.

It does not appear that I can edit any of my previous posts as who? is offline??

I ain't bothered though.....I am on!


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