To me part of the success is down to the genuine desire to share all that is good about the earlybay. Certainly there is a hardcore group of people that post regularly, but what I like is the help that is always given to those that not only are new to the scene but also those that only pop up on the forum from time to time. The amount of stuff that passes either free or at cost between forum members is amazing,or just the willingness to deliver an item to another part of the country for someone else in a fix and even those that have a business to run the likes of Scott and and countless others help source all sorts of 'hens teeth' items without ripping anyone off. The moderators have the balance of their role spot on,always with a warm welcome to newcomers and helpful contributions of their own in threads. I love the lightness and the humour that comes through, the mix of serious threads with the crazyness of the opinion polls and off at a tangent threads
If you want to see the difference between forums, just compare our thread on Camper Jam and the one on Vzi - I'm really looking forward to my first visit this weekend, but if I was on vzi I would really question going and as a new person to the VW scene it could be so off putting - if we ever get close to being like that will someone just pull the plug and turn the lights off please - but I just can't see that happening
In short, I really enjoy being part of this forum and take real pleasure in having an sticker in the back of my westy to help spread the news - long may it continue