i really envy you people with garages!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Reaction score
'the shire'
another day off work to try and get the engine back in the bus......and its raining!!!! 3rd week in a row.....
but not only that.... the weather in the last few months has really taken its toll on my bus.....the rust is really starting to set in.......worse than i thought!!!! crazy innit..... ive got a feature imminent that makes it look all lovely and shiney....but the harsh reality is its going to need serious work in the next year or so...... maybe even a proper body resto.....


i fookin hate storing it outside.....
Shit isn't it.

I have a en bloc garage, but its too tiddy for the gene genie to fit in, so her first year with us in the UK has been a wet one. It came over from Cali with a couple of little spots on it, but I bet its rusted more since may when we bought it than it had in 37 years in the good old U S of A.

I need to find a kindly farmer who will let me store her in a barn.

heres hoping.
Im fed up of seeing mine sat on the drive in the rain too!!
Allthough its holding out pretty well really,
Oh an the landlords promised me a garage in the next couple of months so i cant wait to get it in their!!
What a nice man :D
Yer i need to get a new garage door fitted so the van will fit in. It's currently under the car port which is better than nothin but it still gets wet at the front with all this shity weather. I also need a kind farmer! Maybe there's a farmers forum somewhere? :lol:
i just finished lifting the height and putting new doors on, looking forward to getting the van i the garage after christmas. i have about 12 inches front and back to work in :? so i guess ill be opening the the front doors and pushing her out to work.
Johnny said:
i just finished lifting the height and putting new doors on, looking forward to getting the van i the garage after christmas. i have about 12 inches front and back to work in :? so i guess ill be opening the the front doors and pushing her out to work.

Thats the same as me - you can see the dread on the neighbours face as I roll her out! :lol:
thru_a_lupe said:
another day off work to try and get the engine back in the bus......and its raining!!!! 3rd week in a row.....
but not only that.... the weather in the last few months has really taken its toll on my bus.....the rust is really starting to set in.......worse than i thought!!!! crazy innit..... ive got a feature imminent that makes it look all lovely and shiney....but the harsh reality is its going to need serious work in the next year or so...... maybe even a proper body resto.....


i fookin hate storing it outside.....

I know a friendly farmer but hes not exactly on your door step John but it depens how much you need the bus over winter.
Cant Gavin see you right?
hey jon... is that where you keep yours out near pinhoe?!?!
doubt gav would give me a little space.....but i'd be interested to know where and how much this other place is?!?! pm me details if you like!

cheers! :mrgreen:
I like seeing mine vans outside everyday , it makes me smile...

If I had a garage ,it would be full of bikes etc... 8)
I feel your pain.

I had mine sat outside on the driveway, all shiny and pretty. Then I decided to buy a Just kampers cover, would of been better sitting outside!

A few weekends ago I decided to bite the bullit and cleared my garage and change the whole garage roof structure.

I let some air out of the tyres and with 15mm to spare my van slotted into the garage. ;)

I've got a cut my fore-head, grazed my knuckles and snapped about six drill bits and lots of hack saw blades....but the van is away for the winter.

Have you tried to look for alternative storage? There is a range out there. Where are you based?
iam looking for something else.... theres a chance of getting in the storage that clyde also uses...on the other side of Exeter.....for not much cash a month....so gonna look in to that for sure....

I had been offered a garage in the next road.... but the door is only 5 and a half foor high...it has no elec...and would only just fit a bug in..... 50 notes a month.... shame!!!!

it does have a pit..... but you would literally have to get in it....and then get someone to roll the vehicle in over the top of you!!!!! no way!
Guys I feel your pain, I have changed many engines and worked on many cars on the drive and tiny tiny garages...

BUT after moaning to the misses I got this beauty built


Guys... please note I only got the ok to build the garage after the misses decided to buy herself a mk1 escort!!!

:lol: :mrgreen: :lol:
The God Bus said:
Guys I feel your pain, I have changed many engines and worked on many cars on the drive and tiny tiny garages...

BUT after moaning to the misses I got this beauty built


Guys... please note I only got the ok to build the garage after the misses decided to buy herself a mk1 escort!!!

:lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

gotta love a mk1 escort :mrgreen:
Someones stolen your VW badge from your bay....oh no wait there it is along with your spare VW Beetle headlights attached to the front of the brown thing :mrgreen:

I have a garage. the usual one stuck on the side of a 3 bed-semi. If I emptied it I may get the bus in, but it is full of tool chests, work bench, spare engine, motorcycle, foosball table, 4 bicycles (inc a 1964 Triumph 3 speed!) and loads of other stuff needed on a daily basis. Thankfully the beer fridge, freezer, washing machine etc are in the utility room stuck on the back of the garage, otherwise there would be no room at all!! What do folk do when the garage is full of bus? Have you all got massive sheds for other stuff or what? Think I need to buy a farm with a small house and loads of out-buildings to put everthing in. Oh, and win the lottery to pay for it all!!!!
Mk 1 Escort, well cool, cracking garage, would love one like that. Got to be better than working outside on the gravel drive that my bus lives on. Just jacking it up is a pain in the arse.
Just to annoy you all...

My buses home...


Which is right next door to my Oval's home and our workshop!


If the Reg on the Escort was X00 349F it would be the perfect garage.
Sorry, cant do links But its the reg of the ex 68 Alan Mann race team car (iirc), a bit of an Animal 8) .
Sweet van by the way 8) .

Mines stored at work as i dont have a garage. Dry storage but gets dirty quick, crap in the air.

we're extending our house and putting a garage in specifically to fit the van in

ok the missus wants a bigger kitchen and a bedroom with ensuite too, but as far as I'm cocerned it's all about getting a garage the van fits in with the rack on :mrgreen:

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