Ignition barrel removal

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Mar 30, 2011
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I’ve looked through old threads and some good stuff but very confusing. Yesterday in Tesco car park my key snapped in the ignition barrel. For the first time I couldn’t sort it myself and had to call the free recovery from my insurance company. To get me going he hot wired the van which got home

So I’ve got a new barrel but I’m confused on how to fit it. Can it be done with the unit in situ or do I need to remove the steering wheel indicator stalk etc

How do I get the wires off the back? I see the is a screw to remove then push a rod into a hole but as I say. Very confusing. See below mine.

Sparky I read in another post on steering wheel removal about Litesteer having a. Removal tool. Their website doesn’t seem to work. Are they still trading
Cheers Sparky. Didn’t need it in the end a mate of mine has come through with a puller and a home made C washer.

Looking at the photo below. Am I right in saying I don’t need to cut the wires. These are spade ends inside the housing which should just pop out
So I’ve removed the steering wheel and indicator stalk nice and easy. Unplugged the wires but found these two with modern fuzes. Any ideas why? I am going to have to cut them and re wire.

Also when I removed the spring this broken bit came out as well. I would like to know what it is so I can replace it. Is it the remains of the insulation ring?

Lastly how do I get the ignition housing of the long steering sleeve. Obviously not using tech terms I hope people know what I’m on about here.

Thank you
That's the ring that sits in top bearing to act as a washer under spring , best way of removing column tube is take the whole lot off but it does mean disconnecting the horn wire at the base and that's a fiddle. Lock housing is held on with circlip if I remember right and slides off from large insulating sleeve . I would see if you can get at it without taking this apart TBH
That's the ring that sits in top bearing to act as a washer under spring , best way of removing column tube is take the whole lot off but it does mean disconnecting the horn wire at the base and that's a fiddle. Lock housing is held on with circlip if I remember right and slides off from large insulating sleeve . I would see if you can get at it without taking this apart TBH
The wiring diagrams in't manual don't show any inline fuses - so not sure why someone has added them. Shouldn't be needed.

Not sure on the part though I'm afraid!
So following the system above I am at the part where I need to take the cover off. So I am scrapping away at the edges with my screw driver but as it’s been 50 years it really doesn’t want to move. Any ideas?
Cheers Sparky. It’s my description it’s this cover that is annoying me know

I’ve scraped around with a small screwdriver tapped a thin screwdriver into the gaps with a peen hammer but nothing. 20 mins so far. Given up until tomorrow
If I could jump on this thread… When starting, the final turn of the key doesn’t always start the ignition. When it does, it seems to be that the key has to be turned as far as possible. Is this the starter motor or something in the ignition barrel? I’ve not attempted to take anything apart. Wouldn’t know where to start removing steering wheel!! Thanks.

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