I'm back and I bet you hadnt even noticed

Early Bay Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Wittering, Cambs.
just spent hours going through the open threads and see everyones been good little boys 'n' girls :D not stressing the mods out.....

Only had a week away and christ how much activity have I missed.... I might need to start carrying a laptop with me
Only noticed you had been away by the amount of idle vans cos your not there to answer the tech questions :mrgreen:
I need to go through some of them again as a few caught my attention and last night was far too tired to delve further...

The indicator switch wiring is one that seems a bit of an oddball as the grey / grey black seems to me to be part of the lighting/buzzer network but really need to go through the files o the computer .....
Think yourself lucky I've just had 5 days with 200 georgeous birds all taking the piss out of me.....

Got back late yesterday knackered, acheing and scratched to hell......

I noticed as you didn't reply to my PM straight away and when you didn't looking in the techie section and you hadn't answered any posts in there either so you were either hard at work :lol: :lol: or away.

Tell us more about the 200 birds and why you are knackered and scratched to hell :mrgreen:
Araon said:
Think yourself lucky I've just had 5 days with 200 georgeous birds all taking the piss out of me.....

Got back late yesterday knackered, acheing and scratched to hell......

Yep, I'm quite eager to hear about the chicks too :lol:
I'm back and I bet you hadn't even noticed"

.......said the wife to the early bay owner :lol:
Hard at work :lol:

though in a way I was

Windsurfers nearer the mark......

One of my other passions, Birds of prey...... a week working on my animal husbandry course at a rescue centre i sometimes work at......

Eagles, hawks, buzzards and owls great no bother, fecking adolescent Kookaburra (abandoned pets) attached itself to my face and wouldnt let go.....
You've been away, didn't notice :shock:

Welcome back and enjoy the rest ;)
i challenge thee to handbags at dawn!!! :lol: ;)

so this kookaburra...did you get its number? :lol: :lol: :shock:

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