import tax shocker

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2006
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I just got a tax bill for £158 worth of VAT on a set of dropped spindles worth £200 :evil:

surely that's gotta be wrong, VAT on imported stuff is still 17.5%, right?

customs seem to be a bit busy and reckon it will take 10 days to get back to me with an answer to my query

but parcelforce only hold them for 20 days, so looks like i gotta pay the tax and then claim is back

what a pisser :evil:
You pay duty on the value of the item including the postage costs, also I think you pay VAT,import duty & a fee (and they probably use a different exchange rate to convert it).
At least that was what they did when I imported my beetles a few years back.
thats a bummer dude, ring em up and give em hell. :twisted:
worse still, I've maxed out my credit card, so it had to come from my bank account

there was £26 import duty and £158 VAT

parcelforces automated payment system hardly helped my seething mood, especially when it kicked me out and then failed to work (tho kinda my fault for trying it with a maxed credit card)


still, as with blowing up the engine, it'll all be for the good in the end, he says, in desparate search of a silver lining....
You are correct about the VAT it should be no more than 17.5% the value of the item. @ £20 handling, and £26 import duty.

The only thing i can think of is that they slipped another Zero on the end of the value of your item in the description before sending by mistake! I think it is law in the US that if your sending international you have to specify a value or say its a gift.

An item at £2000, not £200, would be closer to £158 vat. you should get them to re check the item value on the import documents.
Also remember that the 'handling charge' is not enforceable, so you dont have to pay that.
Then get it recalculated, as they will probably have charged you tax on the shipping costs also, which are not taxable ...
Clem said:
Also remember that the 'handling charge' is not enforceable, so you dont have to pay that.
Then get it recalculated, as they will probably have charged you tax on the shipping costs also, which are not taxable ...

There is a website somewhere about this... that the handling charge is illegal/unenforcable. Same when royal mail try to charge you the standard £7 - 8 handling on some parcels.
got the parcel today

the customs dec looks like the parts are valued at $1750 - guessing he was truing to sve me some tax and say they are worth $170, not $385

worse thing is, they don't match up, one weld seems to be 3mm off

over to the tech forum....
I got taxed on shipping costs from oz argued it with them and they said there is nothing I can do , but my arguement was why should I pay VAT on something that has nothing t do with this country robbin bastards, and £8 handling fee from parcel force. worth buying abroad :roll:
8ballbug said:
£8 handling fee from parcel force. worth buying abroad :roll:

you can refuse to pay this and they have to hand the parcel over.

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