At the moment the indicator stalk in my 71 Westy won't stay in position either up or down. It's not floppy as such and I've had a look at the unit itself and everything looks okay so can anyone explain what it is that holds them in position?
It was working then refused to go up, I undid the holding and gave it a spray of wd40 which cured thus problem but now it just won't click up or down.
Obviously this is an mot fail but before I go to the hassle/expense of finding the right replacement unit I was just wondering if there was anything I could do ?
It was working then refused to go up, I undid the holding and gave it a spray of wd40 which cured thus problem but now it just won't click up or down.
Obviously this is an mot fail but before I go to the hassle/expense of finding the right replacement unit I was just wondering if there was anything I could do ?