Have just renewed with Highway thro' Just Kampers as you can't go direct - 2 things
1. Modified vehicle report - this has just been sent to me after renewal asking for details of all mods to engine, transmission, suspension, steering, brakes, body and chassis, wheels, accessories and other mods, plus it then asks for details of who carried out the mods and what qualifications they have - is this normal? I had previously told them van has been mildly lowered - 1 spline at back and has an adjuster on front - seems a bit OTT to then send out a 2 page form! BTW, does anyone know what a standard ride height is, say from the ground to the bottom of the sliding door? I can then compare it to the height on my van and advise them in layman's terms how much mine has been lowered
2. Agreed valuation - I arranged this when I originally bought the van 2 years ago and thought that's it unless anything changes eg its value changes due to market conditions &/or mods are made/accessories added. But no, it seems that the agreed value is an annual requirement on renewal of the insurance, or so I was told. So that's another £15 fee on top of the insurance premium. Are people aware of this and do other insurers apply similar annual requirements?
Apologies if this has been covered before
1. Modified vehicle report - this has just been sent to me after renewal asking for details of all mods to engine, transmission, suspension, steering, brakes, body and chassis, wheels, accessories and other mods, plus it then asks for details of who carried out the mods and what qualifications they have - is this normal? I had previously told them van has been mildly lowered - 1 spline at back and has an adjuster on front - seems a bit OTT to then send out a 2 page form! BTW, does anyone know what a standard ride height is, say from the ground to the bottom of the sliding door? I can then compare it to the height on my van and advise them in layman's terms how much mine has been lowered
2. Agreed valuation - I arranged this when I originally bought the van 2 years ago and thought that's it unless anything changes eg its value changes due to market conditions &/or mods are made/accessories added. But no, it seems that the agreed value is an annual requirement on renewal of the insurance, or so I was told. So that's another £15 fee on top of the insurance premium. Are people aware of this and do other insurers apply similar annual requirements?
Apologies if this has been covered before