Is it possible or worth it?

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Well-known member
May 27, 2011
Reaction score
North East
I had a padded dashboard.......but then I took the padding off because I really like the idea of a metal dash painted the same colour as the outside.
I figured as the dash had already been chewed up by someone before me that I didn't have much to lose by having a go :D
But now I'm looking at it and wondering if I am being over optimistic in thinking that it could be repaired and look nice at the end of it :?:
There's the obvious 'frilly' edge where the radio goes but at the right hand side there is a ding right on the edge.
Am I better off just accepting that I have to have a padded dash? :(
No reason that it cant be fettled and filled like any other part of your bus :D Should look great then
Excellent, thank you, that's what I hoped!

Just got to find a fettler and/or filler now... ;)
I had a piece of steel welded in to fix a similar problem. Just make sure the person doing it knows how to weld. The metal on the dash is very thin and close to the glove box. I had to spend hours reshaping to make the glove box lid close flush again.
I fitted one of the metal dashes that Vw heritage sells. They are Brazilian ones I think but it went in no problems and was a cheap(ish) way to replace my knackered padded dash and I ended up with a nice new metal one. All I had to do was buy the dash itself and just reuse all the other bits from the old dash like the glovebox, air vents, original dash top etc....
Ive got a dash that is half stripped of its padding that hasnt been cut at all. At £25 its cheaper than getting yours repaired.
Thank you for the replies :)

Araon - that's how I want it to look! Have you just left those 'sausage' shaped slots (under the air vent) open?

55ovalcharlie - I looked at VW Heritage but they haven't seemed to have them in stock for ages, Custom and Commercial have been out of stock for ages too.

Clyde - is it a LHD one? And will it fit a '71 Deluxe? If it is I'll have it because I don't know any welders let alone good ones ;) Of course there's postage unless you're, by some miracle, in the north east of England... :D

Thanks again


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