Is there an easier way to get the steering wheel off.

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2007
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Taken the nut off and put plenty of WD40 on but still won't shift.
Used a rubber mallet to try and shift but doesn't want to know.

Should i just keep trying or do i need some sort of clamp to pull from the back ?????????????????????
A universal pulley puller but protect your wheel if you intend to keep it/pass it on.

Cheap from any motor factors.

Or brute force and ignorance.

Free from deep within yourself.
i used a heatgun/paint stripper gun to heat it up with no water to dry off.
Undo the nut leaving it still on at the end a few threads,then someone pull on the steering wheel firmly and someone else place a wide punch on the centre of the steering column and hit it with a hammer! After a few taps it should come free.You don't have top go mad with the hammer though.
dude i had the same problem, I have 3 pullers I got them cause i had the same problem, I only needed one, I can send you the middle sized one if you like as I don't need it and its so easy with one of them :D