earl thebay said:
iv just go my new copy of camper and bus ..but is it just me that thinks t4/t5s should now have there own mag :?:
think i might have touched on a similar issue before
i have to admit though... i live in a cotton-wool wrapped world of wonder down here, where i barely leave our town let alone the county, so having left the peninsula for a week's 'holiday' in nottingham this past week, i made sure i kept an eye out for VWs (old
and new) for 'research' purposes because i might slag the damn things off all the time, but apart from in the magazines i hardly ever see any of them, apart from the ex-AA T4 a mate of mine has got.
anyway, maybe i'll 'publish' my air-cooled findings elsewhere, but i was staggered by the amount of 'late model' VW buses i saw on monday afternoon going north on the M5 as we headed in the opposite direction... i mean in regular traffic you'd see one every couple of miles i guess, but in the sections (and there were several) where the traffic had slowed to a crawl they were so many of them that you could barely mutter "isn't that one of them converted builder's vans...?" in-between sightings :shock:
i too hate seeing them in the magazines, and always feared that they'd never become popular enough to warrant their own publication, just popular enough for there to be one converted ex-AA T4 on 17" rims with a bonnet bra in every subsequent 'air-cooled' magazine until the end of time, but i was wrong... so very wrong.
they clearly ARE the future... i think it's only a matter of time before they have their own dedicated magazine; and why not by the way - they're obviously great vehicles, and people dearly love them, plus the knock-on effect for the likes of us is that without the extra 'padding' that they afford the pages of camper & bus it's equally clear that volksworld won't be able to sustain two magazines, and they'll have to resort back to publishing ONE four-weekly magazine featuring the absolute BEST of the air-cooled scene, be it bus, bug or whatever, saving us a tidy £4.10 a month and sparing us from the execrable *trinket pimp* and *van man*
in my book that makes everyone a winner 8)
*i am nostradamus and i claim my £5*