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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
Originally Cardiff - Currently Melbourne
not really a rant but wanted to know whether everyone feels the same as me with this loose use of words.

when something is rust free it is "rust free", not "rusty with no holes". recently i have even seen the use of NOS when it wasnt even NOS. "This is NOS and i have only just taken off my van.

what are other peoples views on this topic then?

totally agree! I think people are too fond of saying 'rust free' for 'not ratty'. there was a cab door on ebay for weeks for £30 or something, it was described as rust free (except for the rot underneath and the work that needed doing to it!!)

with you on this one fella - NOS means just that,otherwise its excellent used condition.

there should be a code of practice, where corrosion is graded, i.e. rotten, heavy rust,rusty,surface rust,tarnished etc
You see alot of this, its like the NOS stuff that people say just needs cleaning and abit of work???? If its NOS it should be box fresh and ready to fit? If its dirty etc it might be old stock and posisibly unused but its definiyly not New.
Totally agree as well. You see things advertised as rust free, then look at the pictures and there it is RUST. It may only be surface rust but rust is rust no matter where your from. :roll: :p .
yeah i agree, NOS to me, is never been used, preferably still in the box, rust free should mean just that, no rust at all.
Totally agree, I bought some door window winders "NOS" on ebay and they were all badly touched up with black nail polish :evil: , they also use nice old VW boxes to take the pictures with their parts and it arrives in an old shoe box. What is this world coming to? :lol:
The rust free one annoys me. I have recently bought a US van, and the amount advertised as rust free, yet I can see on the photos rust, then they say one needs a sill :twisted: :twisted: makes my blood oil :evil:
Im with you all on this RUST FREE should be just that.
Or have I got it wrong :? and the rust on it is FREE :lol:
i'm glad i'm not the only one on this one guys. maybe to help people advertise things accurately, comments should be made to those things advertised as rust free???

i think some people dont know that NOS is an acronym for New Old Stock, that is Old stock from when the parts were originally being manufactured and never used - thats where the New bit comes from.

meanwhile, back on JK in 2002...

it's been done to death... maybe not on here but truth is that the big air-cooled VW scene where everybody looks out for everyone else myth is just that, a myth :?

if somebody wants to sell something, and they're a genuine person, then they'll give an accurate description. if somebody wants to rip you off, then they'll give you a load of old flannel.

doesn't matter if it's a VW, ford, whatever :(

They say things are done for the majority
Don't believe half of what you see
And none of what you hear
It's a lot like what my painter friend Donald said to me
"Stick a fork in their ass and turn them over, they're done"

*it wasn't me, honest*


as a trader i find this difficult and dependant on the item being sold. If a bus is rust free i would consider a little surface rust on a cargo floor or cab floor as acceptable in this term, but definately no holes or pitting, bubbly rust or gaping holes. 99% Rust free i would consider a small repair acceptable. I suppose what i`m saying is that i don`t see surface rust as rust which is a bold statement as i`ve just called it rust :?: :? and like the "man" said an honest trader will try and describe things as accurately as possible so that you can make an informed decision. On chrome items etc it has to be mint to be called rust free and N.O.S. well thats just a can of worms which i ain`t gonna open
sorry to disagree with you a bit scott, but as you mentioned rust free is rust free, so any rust in my eyes should be identified as "surface rust" not rust free. also, if a van is considered as 99% rust free then 1% of metal is actually very small so shouldnt be described as rust free.

it is difficult for traders as things have snowballed: as one trader describes things as rust free, the next trader follows to keep that competitors edge.

Haveacamper said:
it is difficult for traders as things have snowballed

you got that right mate :wink:

get hold of a copy of volksworld from 10 years ago... 5 years ago even. maybe you even own said magazine ?

check out the classifieds.

now check this months :shock:

who are all these people ? where have all these companies come from ?

law of averages states that a certain percentage of 'em are gonna be 'fly by nights' :roll:

the way i see it, if i'm on the lookout for parts then they fall into two categories.

no, three categories.

no, wait, four categories.

category one. rare stuff. if i see something i *have* to have, and i'm not likely to ever come across another, then i'm gonna bite the bullet and buy it whoever and wherever the seller happens to be. this happens very rarely in my world, although i have a thing for certain wheels :twisted:

category two. no, we'll do three first. category three is all the mundane **** like a lightswitch or a cupboard handle... these can be found at swapmeets and autojumbles across the land. i got a cracking white rubber aerial once at a steam fair just up the road.


and what a load of fun rummaging through the tat... like ebay only tangible.

category two. almost everything else. i have a verbal 'relationship' with a very well established trader for these parts... good, used, original, quality german parts... i've bought a fair few things off this guy, i enjoy chatting with him, he's never let me down, on the one occasion he sent me the wrong thing (because i described it wrong over the phone :roll: ) he just sent me a replacement, told me to keep the 'other' one, no extra postage etc. etc. i trust him implicitly and it's a source of great comfort to me that if i need something he'll invariably have it.

trust is everything in this instance 8)

category four. in the real world, i just scrounge stuff off clements
I have to sympathise with Scott as a trader, i think you have to be realistic with a description but without putting off an interested party. For me, 99% rust free should be just that, i would expect to see MINOR surface rust on the odd panel and not much more. 95% rust free, as above plus maybe a small hole.
IMHO i dont believe that any bus should be described as rust free on its own, rust more often starts from the inside and is not always visible a uk front beam would be a good example of this and even the the cleanest bus from the dryest climate will have some rust, especially once its been imported over here.
Haveacamper said:
it is difficult for traders as things have snowballed:

Pretty simple I think - describe things accurately & honestly then watch the flood of repeat and via recommendation customers coming through the door.

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