Haveacamper said:
it is difficult for traders as things have snowballed
you got that right mate :wink:
get hold of a copy of volksworld from 10 years ago... 5 years ago even. maybe you even own said magazine ?
check out the classifieds.
now check this months :shock:
who are all these people ? where have all these companies come from ?
law of averages states that a certain percentage of 'em are gonna be 'fly by nights' :roll:
the way i see it, if i'm on the lookout for parts then they fall into two categories.
no, three categories.
no, wait, four categories.
category one. rare stuff. if i see something i *have* to have, and i'm not likely to ever come across another, then i'm gonna bite the bullet and buy it whoever and wherever the seller happens to be. this happens very rarely in my world, although i have a thing for certain wheels :twisted:
category two. no, we'll do three first. category three is all the mundane **** like a lightswitch or a cupboard handle... these can be found at swapmeets and autojumbles across the land. i got a cracking white rubber aerial once at a steam fair just up the road.
and what a load of fun rummaging through the tat... like ebay only
category two.
almost everything else. i have a verbal 'relationship' with a very well established trader for these parts... good, used, original, quality german parts... i've bought a fair few things off this guy, i enjoy chatting with him, he's never let me down, on the one occasion he sent me the wrong thing (because i described it wrong over the phone :roll: ) he just sent me a replacement, told me to keep the 'other' one, no extra postage etc. etc. i trust him implicitly and it's a source of great comfort to me that if i
need something he'll invariably have it.
trust is everything in this instance 8)
category four. in the real world, i just scrounge stuff off