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double edged sword for traders - I was talking to Mr Roadhouse retro this evening - he has the delta green early bay for sale - it is described honestly and has good quality pics. He is an ace at bodywork so could [given a spare day] 'bodge' it enough for the average joe public to swoon. He could also blow over the original charm with some nasty cellulose, making it all nice and shiny....and probably more saleable?

but Tim has built his rep on sourcing honest and original buses..perhaps what I am saying is that too much hoensty is a sale killer

I suppose there are the traders that are happy to oblige the public need for something that looks new and there are those like Tim and Scott who prefer the originality and 'worn and used' [in a good way], and I imagine will have less comeback because of it.

I know if I bought a 10k bus, that turned out to be not as sold.....poor or reocuring repair then there would be a whole can of whoopass being opened............
this is an interesting thread, i watch with great interest and maybe there should be some pics of what is considered rust free by buyers and what is considered rust free by traders?
also how long would a van be expected to stay rust free after a bare metal respray and waxoyling etc.? would the inside of doors count as an area to be called rust free or not? lots to chat about here
s'pose [stating the obvious]

most people would expect a 30-40 yr old car made of steel to be in terminally rusty.

My bus to the uneducated people in my village, is a rusty heap because it doesn't yet have a shiny coat. It is now more solid than when I bought it :evil: & :oops:
One person wanted to see my MOT as they truly disbelieved that it could have one. sorry digressing.

Sales technique and pitch, which is something I think most would follow.

1968 low light bay,westy interior, some rust 9K
1968 low light bay,westy interior, 99% rust free 9K

same bus...which one would get the 'leads' to eventually get a punter??
totally agree. But as has been said before reputation means everything and this is a very small world where everyone knows everyone...i would consider the panel sold to NaFe to be rust free, but there was some surface rust. My children get fed on my reputation so if i fu£k up then we don`t eat.
I`ll try to post pics of what i believe to be rusty and non rusty in the morrow...but if anyone is intrested look in the buyers guide for said pics posted 6-8 months ago. :arrow:
As some of you know I've started to buy and sell a few buses that I've acquired over the last couple of months, the last one I sold and one I currently have for sale are both listed as Projects as thats what they are, they both have a bit of rust and if you look at my advert for the 71 Sierra Yellow Deluxe you will find that I've tried to be as honest as possible but that does put people off and I think theres a fine balance between describing the bus exactly and putting what people really want to hear.

Funnily enough I offered NaFe a RHD slider last week that I hope I described OK and did make the point when I sent him the pics that it had more rust on it than I thought it had, but I didn't say it was NOS as it clearly wasn't :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
If it has mild surface rust but not holed why not just say so! Surely that's not hard to do!Especially when we can all see surface rust in the photo?

To be honest if I see something that says rust free and I can see rust, I go 'yeah right' and move on, suspecting if the seller can't simply explain what I can see with my own eyes, then what I cant see could be worse.

PS not having a pop at anyone on here or traders as a whole, just generalising.

I think we all need to just use the words RUST FREE and NOS, when they apply, not twist it to grab people in. To be far most serious trader do follow this, it's other lesser traders, that cotton on to these terms to sell their stuff.
the councillor said:
category two. almost everything else. i have a verbal 'relationship' with a very well established trader for these parts... good, used, original, quality german parts... i've bought a fair few things off this guy, i enjoy chatting with him, he's never let me down, on the one occasion he sent me the wrong thing (because i described it wrong over the phone :roll: ) he just sent me a replacement, told me to keep the 'other' one, no extra postage etc. etc. i trust him implicitly and it's a source of great comfort to me that if i need something he'll invariably have it.

All right Councillor - don't bogart those parts my friend - let us know who your dealer is, or does he just sell to friends 8)

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