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Congratulations. I just had my second last week, a little boy. its the best feeling in the world.
Well the Mrs has got a massive beer belly on her :lol:
1 week over due & shes booked in for inducing on Monday thats if nothing happens before then :shock:
Hope all is going well for you all, be prepared for the incredible 'wave of love' that totally envelops you when that most precious little person appears. I defy you not to go weak at the knees and sob uncontrollably when holding your new born for the first time.
Soppy maybe, but the best feeling in the world bar none. Fact.
Don't know you but much love to you all. 8)
Ands1 said:
I'll be 40 later this year, however my first son or daughter will be born a couple of months before my 40th :D
Took 2 1/2 years of mishaps & me filling a pot or two for hospital analysis :oops:
Got there in the end, fingers crossed for the next 6 months

bin their with the pots :oops: - got 3 now so wish you all the best and congratulations!
Phew what a hectic completly mad last few days, all started Saturday morning slow contractions, come 12 midnight Saturday hospital said we should go.
All day Sunday in labour until 22.34 Amelia Florence is born weighing 7lb 11 ozs :shock: :D
Bloody Jackpot unreal & feel amazing, Mrs has took a battering in the labour but shes happy & will recover.
All happened 1 day before induction date as well :D
Thanks Andy


:p :p congrats fella,hope the family are doing well!
they're not small for very long,the time runs away with ya!! :mrgreen:
I don't t know u either.. but am a fellow bay windower' and dad of a four yer old boy and our second is due mid Dec!! Congrats to you!!! Cheers!!

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