Losing power going uphill

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May 15, 2012
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Hi I’m having issues with power. Fine on flat but when I get to hills it really loses power. On steep hills dropping to 2nd. Then I get a petrol smell. Sounds a bit clackety as well. Could this be a compression issue with a cylinder head gasket? Running twin ICT34 Webbers on a 1776. Would welcome your thoughts
Good place to start would be by checking the valve lash, that could be the clacking sound you are getting. Also check timing. Need a bit more info on the carbs before trying to diagnose the petrol smell, are you running a standard fuel pump, ICT's don't like too much pressure.
As said above ^^^ Check your basics particularly your valve clearances (lash) . Clackety does sound like they need a good adjustment and if you’ve got one or two clacking, there’s every reason to suspect there may be one or two too tight which could rob you of your compression hence power. It’s also possible that you are over fueling by the description of a petrollly smell and that could be your needle and seat letting in tooo much fuel and swamping your motor, this could be caused by poor float level adjustment or knackered floats. Amongst other things.
So first things first, adjust your valve clearances and this must be done stone cold. Second, check your oil firstly by sniffing your dipstick for that petrol smell and also is it cleanish and when was it last changed and what has gone in there ?
Then wizz your dizzy cap off and have a good look inside the cap, is it clean ? Any hairline cracks, are the contacts on the cap all nice and bright. Is the rotor arm clean on the top contact and on the side contact . Are the points opening fully and rub a little very fine emery or similar in between them, check how much they open when the square bit (cam) tries to knock the heel open on the points, and the tiniest drop of oil on the cam, more of a smear.

Ozziedog,,,,,,, then we can go from there. :)
OD is right, too much fuel swamping engine.
Check your engine oil as well, if it smells of fuel change it.
As said above ^^^ Check your basics particularly your valve clearances (lash) . Clackety does sound like they need a good adjustment and if you’ve got one or two clacking, there’s every reason to suspect there may be one or two too tight which could rob you of your compression hence power. It’s also possible that you are over fueling by the description of a petrollly smell and that could be your needle and seat letting in tooo much fuel and swamping your motor, this could be caused by poor float level adjustment or knackered floats. Amongst other things.
So first things first, adjust your valve clearances and this must be done stone cold. Second, check your oil firstly by sniffing your dipstick for that petrol smell and also is it cleanish and when was it last changed and what has gone in there ?
Then wizz your dizzy cap off and have a good look inside the cap, is it clean ? Any hairline cracks, are the contacts on the cap all nice and bright. Is the rotor arm clean on the top contact and on the side contact . Are the points opening fully and rub a little very fine emery or similar in between them, check how much they open when the square bit (cam) tries to knock the heel open on the points, and the tiniest drop of oil on the cam, more of a smear.

Ozziedog,,,,,,, then we can go from there. :)
Hi Ozziedog, do you know if there are any known issues with ICT34s? When thinking about it, whenever I’m going uphill, for example a slight incline with speed bumps at 5mph in 2nd sounds like the engine is choking. Hill starts cough and splutter and then motorways approach a long hill and steadily drop from 60 to 40 to 35 drop a gear and then when levelling out no problem at all. I have pertronix electronic ignition, Malpassi fuel pressure regulator, running unleaded super with the Lucas ethanol additive. Just seems strange only issues when the van is pointing up a hill????🤔
Oil is all good. It’s a new engine 20/50 mineral
What Davie is saying is actually sniff the oil on the dipstick as I also said in my first reply. If there is an issue with the fuel pump and it’s very very common, it can leak internally through the pump and get into your sump / oil and you’ll notice the smell and your oil level may rise a bit too . This ‘may‘ also coincide with a bit of fuel starvation when you need more fuel like when going up a hill. Or it may be the opposite and you’re swamping the engine with fuel but that’s usually down to the floats and needle and seats. Which also can be an issue with 34s.
Another thought, is your tank vented nicely, just pop your fuel cap off after a bit of a run and listen for the gasp of air. One guy on the LateBay crushed his petrol tank a week or so back, something to do with a blocked vent I believe. I also am wondering if something is floating to the back of your tank as you go up hill. Plastic bags and crisp packets and even large rags have been found in tanks regularly from back in the day when peeps lost their fuel cap and just shoved anything on it to stop it sloshing out. Or debris of the rusty kind.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,why do we do it to ourselves ?🙃
What have you set the Malpassi fuel regulator at? Also I assume you’re running a mechanical fuel pump. Has it been adapted in any way to lower the fuel pressure delivery? Seems odd you’re having problems even at slow speeds over speed bumps.
What have you set the Malpassi fuel regulator at? Also I assume you’re running a mechanical fuel pump. Has it been adapted in any way to lower the fuel pressure delivery? Seems odd you’re having problems even at slow speeds over speed bumps.
I think he meant speedy bumps but on an incline, that’s what is making me think fuel starvation, because generally there’s enough fuel in the bowl/s to last for at least ten seconds usually more and this sounds almost immediately.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, check fuel pressure at the T for the carbs first praps. :)

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