when you come over to spend a day in my shoes, you can try my
other ones on, i'll stay in mine, and we can have a right old chat, yeah ?
if you research the apollo program in enough 'depth' pretty much all of it is bunkum, isn't it ?
apart from the fact that like, **** it, how could a person, government, nation, whatever actually
pretend to have been to the moon for christ's sake :shock:
but then, if they can get to the moon in their 6 million parts spaceships, an undertaking so monumental (and remember i still think we've been and it's ******* a.m.a.z.i.n.g.) it literally stops me in my tracks every time i think of it, even now... then surely they could manage to
pretend to have been ?
i kidded uber cool i was building a low bus good style... i just
said i was on the internet and he asked to see a photo. simple.
what he doesn't know is that i'm also building a moon rocket :shock:
*like taking candy from a baby*