Moon Landings.

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Are the moon landings a hoax

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 53.1%
  • no

    Votes: 15 46.9%

  • Total voters
when you come over to spend a day in my shoes, you can try my other ones on, i'll stay in mine, and we can have a right old chat, yeah ?

if you research the apollo program in enough 'depth' pretty much all of it is bunkum, isn't it ?

apart from the fact that like, **** it, how could a person, government, nation, whatever actually pretend to have been to the moon for christ's sake :shock:

but then, if they can get to the moon in their 6 million parts spaceships, an undertaking so monumental (and remember i still think we've been and it's ******* a.m.a.z.i.n.g.) it literally stops me in my tracks every time i think of it, even now... then surely they could manage to pretend to have been ?

i kidded uber cool i was building a low bus good style... i just said i was on the internet and he asked to see a photo. simple.

what he doesn't know is that i'm also building a moon rocket :shock:

*like taking candy from a baby*

Buzz Aldrin.

Buzz retired in 1972, 2 years before I was even born and in all that time he hasn't so much as flinched.

On September 9, 2002, filmmaker Bart Sibrel, a proponent of the Apollo moon landing hoax theory, confronted Aldrin outside a Beverly Hills, California hotel. Sibrel said "You're the one who said you walked on the moon and you didn't" and called Aldrin "a coward and a liar and a thief." Aldrin punched Sibrel in the face.

Legend. :lol:
yeah; bart sibrel, buzz aldrin, 'moon dust'... pretty good read if it wasn't for the richard and judy book club sticker on the front of it... can you imagine being in a book group with that pair ? hideous.

a wonderful story book... how on earth (slipped that one in again in honour of the fish curtains thread) could they have faked all those anecdotes :?

BUT... the photographs... absolute rubbish aren't they... not saying they haven't been or anything but some of the ones me dad took at prestatyn back in '75 resemble the surface of the moon more closely than the nonsense nasa tried to fob us off with :roll:

not that i can knowledgeably compare the two to be fair...
crikey o'reilly :shock:

if, say, by accident you'd blown the original image up really really big using ms paint, and then used some sort on image correction software on license (thanks, and sorry again nasa :oops: ) to de-pixellate the image, you can see quite clearly that i'm holding some sort of long-legged, pink feathery flumed showbird a la rod hull and emu, and in fact mystery monkey man appears to be trying to punch said bird :shock:

this is an outrage :x


like all regression therapy, i can't see this ending well...
Of course they went to the moon - and a mighty impressive feat is was too!

I take my hat off to all involved especially the astronauts themselves who risked so much. Shame they didn't find much of use up there though...

the councillor said:
the fabled apollo t-shirt, llandudno, also circa '75.

fancy a trip out to north wales ?

er, yeah !

well, you'll have to dress as a monkey.

what ?

Ok, you with the weird bird thing I can understand and planet of the apes was out about then so I can see where uncle ( or is it Urko) Roy is coming from, but whats with the dude next to the bus :shock:
Is he gonna do some Kung Fu thing on yer unc'
sheesh that's a good point... almost like the very end of the zapruder footage... and you're thinking, god if only they'd kept filming for like another two seconds or so... the world would be a different place today if they had :shock:

or maybe not.

said man... after trying and failing to blow it up in ms paint again for the last hour i've realised that i can just LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH :roll: and it seems that yes, he has got a fu manchu moustache... he's holding what appears to be an orange (weren't they all orange though ?) kagoule / pac-a-mac under his left arm (packed away into its handy built-in pouch, obviously) but what IS he doing with his right arm ?

straight-arming the tw@t who's trying to hurt my showbird i hope :x

it's not me uncle roy either, i was just messing :oops:

and he wasn't a real uncle, his wife (aunty rita) just happened to be in hospital having a kid when my mum was having me sister. good source of kop tickets though 8)
councillor, can i see a photo of your rocket?

Now that just came out a bit wrong.......

This is mine, found an old bloke from the bowling club willing to give it a test run. I'm a bit worried about the chrome, think it might start to rust on re entry, oh er :shock:

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