So yesterdays aim was to fix the problem of the work car park pulling my exhaust apart everyday. i had a normal 4-1 header with a quiet pack kind of affair on it before. so first things first was get some exhaust materials.
The friendly ford dealer let me go skip diving and i got these
think one bit of this came of a transit **** knows what the other was off but they where the bendiest bits i could find in the skip.
what i failed to pick up was a small box probably would have been a good idea.
Any ways Tuesday morning and a few hours cutting and welding i ended up with this
box is tucked up nice and out the way now. its a cut down empi quiet pack that i found in the shed.
pipe work is all just cut and shut ford exhaust.
the eagle eyed will notice that the mounts are brake pipe but i need to take the back box off to grind the welds and re weld a few pin holes so will sort some proper brackets out then.
I am quite happy for a grand total of nothing though. :lol: Flange is made from a lump of scrap steel so that was free too. :lol: