Just a bit of an update on where this project is currently at. The rear corner has now been repaired along with all the rust work. Now it's time to start preparing the body ready for some paint.
Ok so my bus is only a few weeks from being in paint so we decided we should start getting the hardware sorted ready to bolt in when back from paint. CSP disc brakes mooted up against a 4.5" narrowed beam with transporterhaus drop spindles
A quick update on how the bus is coming along. After many hours of panel beating/rust repairs etc the bus is now in etch and going through the process of getting blocked down ready for the high build primer.
tue bus is now in paint and the motor and gearbox are all mounted up in the bus. And yes there is a squashed air cleaner that was damaged when the motor was transported over from the east and will be replaced.
So johnnos been flat out on the bus leading up to a much needed break over Easter. He threw on some wheels he had laying around the workshop just to get an idea on what tyres sizes we could use and see what sort of ride heights we could get away with also. The shifter is all fitted up and I'm stoked on how it looks in the bus 8)
I know this is a bit old but was looking for some pictures of a front panel repair and then went back and read the whole thing. You have done such an amazing job but how did it turn out?