My 1970 Westy

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
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After many weeks and months of messing around with my Bus, I thought I'd show you all some pics (if it works!)

I got this bus nearly three years ago, and it had lived all it's life in Oregon so has no rust on it at all :D

Let me know what you think, and I'll drop some more pics on if it works!!!!!

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Maybe I'll just put these here for the time being until such a time as I can work this thing out . . . .
hose links dont seem to work either lol.

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:msn4: ;)
There's no order to this I've just realised - just lots of pics at the moment!!!


On holiday last year at Doward's Park in Herefordshire. Longest run we went on, and then went to Pembrokeshire as well and all the way back to Manchester - only a broken spark plug and a loosen gear linkage nut to call the RAC for - and given the gear linkage nut happened twice - I'm claiming that as a one problem call!!!


This is one of the pics that I saw before I bought the bus from Guy at what is now Slamwerks.

Why wouldn't you want this?????


This was the other picture :D


In 2009 before we had the full roof respray. We're going to go for the full on white westy lookin the next few months.


At sister in law's wedding - no one was that bothered with the fancy wedding car - but a ratty as hell VW .....


And on the sea front at Lytham . . . .

Do you want me to see if I have fgot any more pics???? I guess so.

I am going to start putting things back together next year so will have some pics on there as well.

My main project has been the full rebuiold (including drains) of the sunroof - talk about a labour of love. It is difficult to do anything until the big hole in the roof stops leaking!!!
Great looking bus you have 8)

A few more pics would be nice :msn4:
That was when it was crazily low - Guy did a great job on it.

Wondered if people would recognise it.
Hi Nick I recognised Lytham from your pictures as I live in Poulton, do you live on the fylde coast or was the wedding just held there?

No we live near Manchester and were in Wrea Green for a wedding

Now let me see where I put the official wedding photos of the bus . . .


Both taken by Anurag Sharma at" onclick=";return false;

I think there are some more there as well.

Given the weather is nice today, I have got a few jobs to do with my sunroof and headliner.

Who knows anything about sunroofs and installing one in a westy from scratch??????

I'd better go and do some stuff now rather than surfing for pics - :(

This was taken where we stopped for lunch on our drive back from Slamwerks.

Had to stop a bit longer than expected as the alternator had gone - but luckily they had a dart board, so my double 1 checkouts got a bit better!!!
Thought I'd put some more pics up for you - my bus on the left, my mate's prototype on the right (and his lad in the middle)


Then we got to where we were going - Doward's Park in Symond's Yat



But it is still one of the best sights to see when havign your breakfast in yourtent :D
Love this bus, inspired me in my wheel choice for my white westy, good to see it's getting out and about :D
Thanks all - positive comments are always welcome.

I don't think you can beat a set of American Eagles.

Ted - Guy must have inspired you as well.

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