My 72 Devon

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The Monkey Bus

Well-known member
Sep 11, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Here's my lovely new bay. Only had it a few weeks. We've done a few little things so far but nothing major. The plan for this weekend is to sort out a few things that need replacing or fitting, like a new aerial, gear stick, exhaust, door seals (it doesn't actually have any doors seals at the moment), wing mirrors, seat belts, stereo and speakers.




And as couple of underneath pics


If anyone spots anything that doesn't look right, particularly underneath, please let me know. I'm a bit of a vw virgin at the mo but I am aspiring to be a right old slapper one day, in purely a vw sense of course!

No interior pics yet, I took some and now I can't find the little blighters. I'll take some more.

Mike F - yeah we'll be at Holton Classic. See you there.

Finally found the pics I took when we first got our bus.




The burner still works kind of okish, but we are going to put a new interior in anyway. We've already bought the sink and hob. We were going to get someone else to build the furniture and then just fit it ourselves but now we've decided to do it all ourselves, and if we mess it up then we'll just try again but at least we'll have fun doing it. We are going to put a new floor in as well.

So many things to do and so much fun to have!

Yesterday I had to enlarge the hole in the dash so I could fit a stereo


I don't know if my drill bits are blunt or what but I ended up filling it as it seemed like the only thing that could shift some metal. Good exercise I suppose. Please tell me that everyone else has had to do this, lie to me, whatever! Just don't tell me that you cut through it really easily or I may have to shove old t-bags in my ears and sing LA-LA-LA in a very loud and irritating voice.

Sprouty said:
...Please tell me that everyone else has had to do this, lie to me, whatever! Just don't tell me that you cut through it really easily or I may have to shove old t-bags in my ears and sing LA-LA-LA in a very loud and irritating voice.


Err, well... Most people would love to have an uncut dash, but you do need to trim it to get a modern stereo in - I would imagine a couple of people will be horrified that you cut yours, but it's yours anyway so I say do what you like!!!

Let me know when you sell your interior - I'll start saving now!!!

yea, i wouldnt have cut the dash. The main reason being im too lazy. Decided to mount it underneath instead.

Godd luck with finishing it off.