Hi there to you three,, A mahoooosive welcome to you all and the funny thing is you are all from somewhere starting with C, We got two California`s and a Cornwall, :mrgreen: . The first one sounds a bit different and would be nice to see some pics of this, the second one sounds like an epic find and the third one is one of those that`s getting a bit thin on the ground as are most busses that have weathered a load of UK winters. For the pictures, there are how too`s all over the place but in a nutshell you need to get them onto a host like Photobucket and copy them from there, and then they`ll appear
So get some piccys up and let us peruse these new beasties.
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,, And Enjoy!!!
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,, And Enjoy!!!