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Hi guys, another refugee from the here, although I don't drive a late anymore, I have a T25 crewcab firetruck and my wife drives a T4 camper, looking forward to having a poke about on here and sharing the vdub love!!! 8)
Hi to everyone,, :mrgreen: Some really good lookin busses, I got a white one myself so that`s sorta my fave. Do like the champers ones as well and I don`t think they look like skid marks at all, as was mentioned on another forum. As a matter of fact I bid on one not so long back but the bidding went a bit high on it. Think it went for about £12K in the end :shock: There was me thinking I was gonna get it for about £3K and in the last couple of hours it went from £2K to £12K :roll:
So we`ve all been a little naughty by neglecting this little section, so I should imagine it will be patrolled to excess in the next few days :lol: I`m particularly pleased to have another DOG about the place, so long as you don`t pee in all the corners that I have ;) . Some great user names like ` Rickyrooooooooooo ', :mrgreen: monstermoo starting to sound like a poem allready :mrgreen: Lockkeeper, now that`s either emotive or descriptive, but great photos as well, and Zed, thanks for the nudge mate as we needed one, was trying to follow all the jibba jabba and completely missed the obvious :oops: , spoonerdtg ??? what`s that all about then ? is there a good story to it ?? And chippy,,,,, as in the trade ???? Or just like eating them ??? And the Elgin bus lover,,,,,, spotted anything yet ????

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, Loads of new peeps,,,,,,,, good innit ! :mrgreen:
LMPD said:
Hi guys, another refugee from the here, although I don't drive a late anymore, I have a T25 crewcab firetruck and my wife drives a T4 camper, looking forward to having a poke about on here and sharing the vdub love!!! 8)

Well ,,,,I`m gonna say this once and once only,,,,,,,,, ^^^ that`s all very good and nice telling us what you got, and we love you for it, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WHERE`S the photos ????? I wanna see this firetruck and your mrs s T4. Poke and poke to your hearts content, but photos pleeeeeeeeeeeeze !! ;) And what` s with the LMPD ?? Lake Michigan Police Department ????????? Give us a clue,,,,,,,, and some photos,,,Oh and a big welcome by the way :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Earlybay,! Home of the photo junkies !! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi to everybody, I've now subscribed to the topic so hopefully I can be as welcoming to others as others were to me when I arrived :)
Hi everyone. I registered here last year but lost all the details and so registered again. I've had my 1970 model just over a year now. Had a few problems in the first few months including a siezed engine which i've now had rebuilt and am still running in. It was originally a microbus and has a Devon interior, most of which is original, including the rather tall bed, which I don't actually use. Anyway here's a couple of pics, cheers Shaun


I`m not gonna say " Hey Low " or even " Hi Low " Or even " Hello Low " just welcome or welcome back. Yours is about the same year as mine but the complete opposite :mrgreen: Yours is black, and mine`s white, yours has regular panels blanked and mine has panel on one side with window conversions and regular on the other side. It`s one of the best things in how different you can make them. Is it blanked out with steel ??? or painted glass ???

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,In the dog house again :mrgreen: ;) :mrgreen:
Hi ozziedog. There were/are blanked out with steel by the p.o.
To be honest, i'm still not sure about them and may have the windows put back in sometime(which I still have) Original colour was Lotus White. Currently it's a roller job with Rustolium. :)
Pics you say, right here we go then:-

My '87 firetruck, winner of 'Best original' at Big Bang a couple of years ago and also had a feature in Camper & Bus.


and here's my wife's T4 - Bilbo conversion from year 2000


ooh and there she is checking out the underneath!!!
ozziedog said:
And the Elgin bus lover,,,,,, spotted anything yet ????

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, Loads of new peeps,,,,,,,, good innit ! :mrgreen:

I've just put a deposit down on a South African 71 westy. Should be picking it up next week. CAN'T WAIT!!!! :party0009:
You got an S.A. coming,,,,,,, sounds excellent, RHD and not rusty, what more could you want. Hurry up and get him and show us wot u got. ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, No rust,,,,,,,that`s not fair !! ;) :mrgreen: 8)
Hello everyone, just found your web site, looks cool but it seems like we are miles apart. Just picked up my dream bus, a 68' tin top Westy. It needs every thing (wouldn't have it any other way) I have had two 71 pop tops but all ways wanted a 68' tin top. Life is good !! :D
gands said:
Hello everyone, just found your web site, looks cool but it seems like we are miles apart. Just picked up my dream bus, a 68' tin top Westy. It needs every thing (wouldn't have it any other way) I have had two 71 pop tops but all ways wanted a 68' tin top. Life is good !! :D

Hi, get some pics up ithe gallery and we can all have a good gorp.

A warm welcome to all new members from me also! :D

I too am guilty of not checking in on this thread very often, but I shall make a point of doing so more frequently!

Pymme, I was particularly interested in your bus, and was reading yours and Gninnam's discussion. Your bus is indeed a D4/8, and I can confirm your interior is original. The D4/8 is an extremely rare beast indeed. I've only come across another two or three so far, and yours looks to be the best condition one I've seen.
Originally your bus would have had a removable free-standing cooker, a couple of water containers and a wash hand basin all stowed above the engine deck. I don't know if you still have any of those items?
I have a D4/8 pamphlet in my collection, which I can scan and send to you or post on a gallery thread if you plan to start one. :D
I am a complete newb having never owned a classic car until last Saturday. I am now the proud owner of:


Hoping to learn alot from you knowledgeable people.

calgonis said:
I am a complete newb having never owned a classic car until last Saturday. I am now the proud owner of:


Hoping to learn alot from you knowledgeable people.


Wow - nice start in the classic owning world :D - looks really good from that shot, is this a "known" bus? (i.e. was the previous owner on here?) - looking forward to some gallery pictures ;)
A big hello from me to all the newbies. Sorry I haven't been on this bit to welcome anyone for ages, but I'm here now!! :)
@ Calgonis, is that bus from the 'boro perchance?? Quality bus and great value I believe. Happy cruising brother.

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