Ninove 2010 - The Early Bay Bonanza! March 14th

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Jul 7, 2008
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Is anyone on here going to ninove next year. If so where is the best places to stay over. I am maybe gonna go with T2D on their cruise but none of me mates are allowed to go
Its an event Ive always fancied but end up missing due to its closeness, in time terms, to the Volksworld show.

Maybe I should make the effort for a change?
I believe the only hotel in Ninove is now fully booked :(
For a reasonable sized town its got one hotel and hardly any restaurants, but what it does have is loads of bars selling Jupiler, and a town centre crammed with VW's on the Sunday 8)

The T2D cruise is really worth doing. Its a really good weekend blast to Belgium and back. Yes you should make the effort Clem ;)
I had an awesome time last year and I'm all booked in for 2010 :D
All booked up? :(

Ill have to see what other accomodation choices within reasonable travelling there are. Id be doing it the square so camping wont be an option :?
I've always fancied this one too - 14th of March next year if memory serves correct.

For me it would mean sacrificing the volksworld show (plus a few others) next
year in terms of costs to get to Ninove and back. But from what i have heard
and seen from the pictures im sure it would be worth it!

Has anyone any idea of ballpark costs for the weekend i.e ferry/fuel/accomodation?

Are you booked into to the hotel then??, if not what are the options, is there somewhere you can sleep in the bus??
Always fancied doing a VW related Euro show - closest I have managed so far is a pair of unused EB3 tickets in an envelope next to the computer :lol:
I'm hoping they will be worth millions in 30 years time......

i did ninove in 07 it was £55 squid on the chunnel you have to book early like now really to get a good price pm puppy he should sort hotel out for you if not just kip in the bus quite a few boys did that also there are a few more hotels give google a search , the one t2d use is slap bang right in the middle but there are a few on the out skirts too
tank of gas each way ...........large amount of slag beer probably looking at £250ish for weekend
including grub
hope this helps

best advise is book early (in a fred pontins voice ! )

Graham L said:

Are you booked into to the hotel then??, if not what are the options, is there somewhere you can sleep in the bus??

Yeah I'm booked in to the hotel - Liv has been trying for a little while now and finally suceeded in getting a booking a couple of weeks ago. Some people sleep in there buses in the street - plenty of Jupiler helps :D Some people camped outside town somewhere last year. It looks like there are some other hotels not far from town though so I'd get on the case now Graham.

Its about £60-70 return on the chunnel (get booking now), and its best to get a hotel on the friday night near the tunnel, so thats another £70 ish. The hotel in Ninove is about £90. Probably most of a full tank whilst abroad, plus whatever it takes to get to the chunnel and back on this side.
Not cheap but it really kicks off the season :D
Thanks for the info crede999/Egotrippin,

looks like were talking about 250-300 ish probably worth sacrificing a few UK shows,
next year for this. ill speak to the Mrs about this (again) this eve and get on the case
(if she give the thumbs up)!!

To save a few quid towards the trip remember you can use your Tesco club cards vouchers towards the cost of the channel tunnel. Any vouchers redeemded are worth 4x the value, so you can make a substantial saving there and put the money saved towards fuel. Sleep in your bus and a few more scheckles are released, remember it will be cold so a few more blankets would be a good idea.

This will be my first ever vdub show, well second but my first in my own aircooled motor 8)

Looking forward to it, oh and loading up the bus with some fine Belgium beer :mrgreen:

Good advice 5erge 8)

Here are a few reasons why you should go to this event

Cruising through Belgium with lots of other VW's



Slag Brewery visit

Lots of Jupiler :shock:

A town full of VW's on the Sunday 8)




And the mad rush back to the chunnel on Sunday

cruise video" onclick=";return false;
Cool pics Egotrippin,

Looks like ill have to save up go in 2011 instead!

Just weighed up the finances, :roll: The only way i can do it is if i cancel christmas this year!
I wouldnt mind but im sure the wife & kids would! :lol:

oh well!
Can't do Volksworld show, Mums birthday on the 28th (76 this year bless her!) and after EBI3, really want to do some more Euro trips. Better get my butt into gear and get a channel crossing booked! What is the prefered method, Norfolk line was spot on for Chimay but other posts have mentioned the Chunnel, any recomendations please? Ah, is it that the T2/3 Detectives run uses the tunnel?

From what I've read you really need to use the tunnel as the T2D cruise meets up at a services soon after the terminal in France. Still undecided whether I can do this yet but perhaps we can repeat the EBI experience (without the breakdowns etc). Most of the hotels in Ninove are already booked so it looks like sleeping in the van is the option which is fine by me :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Theres a link on the right hand side of T2D's website about next years cruise" onclick=";return false; which I'm led to believe from Steve is the best way to do it,
Repeating the EBI trip sounds great! Not sure if Aaron would be able to come, school and all that. Kipping in the bus is fine by me, saves a hotel bill! Will have a look on T2D site for more info. Seems all that have done this trip would do it again, got to be worth a go.
I'd better get on with re-building that other engine so it's there if needed :D
Just booked the tunnel tickets for this :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
EgoTrippin said:
I believe the only hotel in Ninove is now fully booked :(

Who needs a hotel? We all have vans and campers. Find a quite farmers field and crash there, problem solved :D

:lol: :lol:

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