OG Paint

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Malvern, UK
Just wanted to do a bit of a survey, who's bus still has Original paint? My 69 does, I love the fact that it's got it but it does limit what I can do to it. :roll:

Anyone else have these problems? I've been contemplating getting a spray job but hear that it's a CRIME to! :mrgreen: :lol:
Mine was ( i think ) totaly original when i got it almost a year ago but had some rust to get rid of. Now i have a freshly painted roof and front panel :( .
So, even though i love the original paint on mine im saving for a respray.
As above.
Is your Bus, Is your choise 8)
mine is mostly original although at some time in South Africa it has had the rear NS corner painted and a repair to the front panel which is starting to blow :roll:

(Mines OG paint.............well, under the crap US paint job :mrgreen: )
stick with og paint as long as you can mate as nothing ever looks like it, and you need to spend serious money to get a respray as good.

sadly th og paint on my bus was long gone before i got hold of it so i have no choice but to pay for a full shiny spray job
My bus will (hopefully) getting a new coat of paint this year, going to stick with the OG colour though if that counts! :D

Mines all OG, except for rear corner air vent sides and engine lid - as it has had a little knock near the rear rhs rear light sometime in the usa. Shame they sprayed it lotus white not pearle white, a little to greenish white if you look close. Though the OG is still underneath. Hoping to get this fixed, money permitting - though as moving house, and baby on the way, it'll wait for the foreseeable - or till Nelson gets his eye back, whichever is sooner! :roll:


faux said:

(Mines OG paint.............well, under the crap US paint job :mrgreen: )

snap only mines worse cos 2/3 is originak paint then some nice yank decided to paint 3 panels in transit van ultra white!
I do like the OG, just wish there weren't so many White Westies, I usually like to be different :lol:
OG is nice if you can keep the salt and weather of it :evil: but unless everything else is original ( like Scott Wilsons Deluxe was 8) ) it can be a little overated.

Early westys were built on rolling sunroof shells and would have been bought from vw in fairly large numbers and mainly in white as they wouldnt have had buyers yet to choose perticular colours, though I have seen some painted in other colours and they look good, perticularly beige or grey VW colours.

Like Faux's mine still has the original paint only the PO sprayed over it in white :? nothing removed, just masked over and only lightly sanded down, it would be possible to bring the old niagra blue back to a degree but I cant see the point, if I had the funds I would take it back to the metal and respray the lot in the colours that I want.

It is like its been said almost impossible to recreate that og paint look so I can understand people holding on to it.
Mine is on about the 5th paint job since new... it has been white (all over), white/orange, white/purple and white/green.

This isn't any use to your dilemma... :lol:
Mine was about 50% OG paint.

I had the whole thing paint again. It looks a lot better now.
Mine has all been taken back to baremetal and resprayed cos it was in serious **** nick ;) :mrgreen:
faux said:

(Mines OG paint.............well, under the crap US paint job :mrgreen: )

Ive got one of those. :)

Its part of its life, I guess, but maybe, one day, Ill get out the blunt razors and wet and dry and strip it back? Or maybe not ...... :lol:
I think the bits under my seat has OG paint :msn4: .

Its been about 6 different colours from new.

Have got some rust free doors going on, which has some faded old sign writing. Trying to work it out.
wibbler said:
OG is nice if you can keep the salt and weather of it :evil: but unless everything else is original ( like Scott Wilsons Deluxe was 8) ) it can be a little overated.

According to the mag article it was resprayed ;)
Clem said:
Its part of its life, I guess, but maybe, one day, Ill get out the blunt razors and wet and dry and strip it back? Or maybe not ...... :lol:

No dont - my life has been taken over with scratching, rubbing & sanding paint off trying to get back to the og paint :lol:

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