Oil Leak

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2007
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I know old dubs leak oil but mine seems to be worse since its service and after i've taken it out for a few mile the back is covered in oil spots!

Is this normal or should i be worrying?
possibly more too it jet wash/steam the engine and see if you can pin point the problem or is it blatantly obvious where its eminating from...
When my bus was taken to a "specialist dealer" the trainee mech had overfilled it by about 2 inches up the dipstick - blew the crank oil seal on the way to Glasto.......(no time to service it myself)

Nice of them to check before signing off the work. I ended up taking the engine out and fixing it

Thanks very much a not named VW services garage in Northampton........

Maybe they have not tightned the sump plug??m - Oh and check it's not overfull!!


ddffrost said:

I know old dubs leak oil but mine seems to be worse since its service and after i've taken it out for a few mile the back is covered in oil spots!

Is this normal or should i be worrying?
when i bought it they had overfilled it and it kind of leaked out slowly till it reached its balance might be the same problem but it never covered the back in oil before!

i will monitor the problem but i'm a tit when it comes to mechanical stuff and everything in general really as i managed to flatten the battery by accidentally plugging the cigarette lighter in and leaving it in for a week!

Where is the leak coming from? Could be as simple as bending a rocker cover clip over your knee to tighten it up.
I cant tell to be honest i've just learnt the very basics

my mate has offered to steam clean the engine bay for me so maybe that will shed some light!
A while ago I didn't put my dipstick back in properly (in my bug) and oil made it's way out and onto the fan belt - and that made a right mess of the engine lid/area!
for oil to be spraying all over the back normally means that is passing through a moving part ie...the fan or whats allready been said.the fan belt.rockers usually leak from the bottom so would fall out into the road or get burn off as the land on the exhaust.from experience the oil could be.......over filled,dipstick/oilcap not seated properly...rubber o-ring has worn on the dizzy shaft or the bacolite that sits under the fuel pump has gone brittle and lost its seal...worse case is mani crank shaft oil seal(dont think its this as it normally cause clutch slip which you dont mention or the oil coller in the fan housing is leaking from either the cooler or the rubber seals that sit on between the support bracket and the case...Im no mechanic so please just take the above as a guide only.if it is as simple as its oil filled then as mentioned you will blow your main oil seal which is an engine out job so nip it in the bud as soon as.

Good luck fella
Check your bottom pulley (has it been changed recently?) the oil can get out of here if the oil screw thread could be blocked and the oil isnt going back into the engine :mrgreen:
Check dipstick to see if it has a felt type washer in the bell cap under finger loop and check sump plate for domed nuts as oil can weep down normal ones.
I had the same thing with oil spitting up the back of the bus when out an about.. turned out to be coming from the rocker covers an dripping down on to the heat exchangers an exhaust an some how making it up the ack of the bus.. new gaskets for pennies an tightened the clips.. dosn't drip a drop now..
thanks for all the advice people most if it went straight over my shiny head but at least i know where to start!

:p :lol: :shock:
having just come back from a service I'd be starting with the bail arms and rocker cover gaskets, 5 minute job bit dirty but thats part of the fun....

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