Old mother tucker

Early Bay Forum

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krusty said:

Loving the stealth engine :mrgreen: :mrgreen: looks really neat 8)
Cheers guys, glad you like!
As the weather was so bad this weekend I didn't want to get the truck out of the garage so decided to do a job I have been putting off for some time, modify my driveway so the truck gets up it without scrapping the hell out of it.
So here is the problem

The cheap & quick solution....

And the finished job

Looks a bit **** but as long as it does the job Im not really bothered, I even stained the wood with some stain I found in the shed :D
Nothing wrong with that at all mate, I actually think stained they are pretty tidy.

Yep, just drill a 7mm pilot then fixed them using a masonary bolt like this one http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=masonry+bolt&hl=en&client=safari&sa=X&rls=en&biw=1278&bih=680&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=kyVR_xFiFz3FhM:&imgrefurl=http://www.toolstation.com/shop/Screws%2BFixings/Frame%2BFixings/d90/sd1950&docid=9_W_sQpbWMob1M&imgurl=http://www.toolstation.com/images/library/stock/webbig/10221.jpg&w=500&h=500&ei=wLeiT6T5G82Z0QXFuo33CA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=411&vpy=278&dur=100&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=106&ty=104&sig=106612372592753540433&page=1&tbnh=159&tbnw=159&start=0&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0,i:93" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

There great, torque up nice and tight.
krusty said:
Thanks mate, finished putting the engine back in today.
Quite pleased with how it finished up, apart from carb spacer is a bit too big, so gonna get it machined down I think.

Also modified the 3rd break light I got from ego to bolt onto the rear bumper, the wired it up.

Glad you got the stop light working and mounted. Looks good! :D
Cheers for that ego, the light is awesome! Products like that just don't seem to be made any more.
I didn't have to make anything to mount it, I just cut the original mount in half an welded it back together in a different position, took me half hour tops I would say, put a fresh bulb in and i worked straight away. :D
Well Olly collected the single cab today, was really sad to see it go, but at least it went to a long time early bayer and I will get to see it about a lot.
Have fun with it mate!
krusty said:
Well Olly collected the single cab today, was really sad to see it go, but at least it went to a long time early bayer and I will get to see it about a lot.
Have fun with it mate!

good work dude 8)
It's ok tho cos I am now the very proud owner of early bay deluxe sunroof!
Hey stu I here your getting man notches!

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