Overhead locker template for sunroof bus

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
Does anyone have a template of the front of an overhead locker for a sunroof bus?
The interior I got is for a tintop and the profile of the top edge is different.

Anyone got anything I can borrow please?
Thanks 8)
Would it be the same as a Westy pop top? I would say you could borrow mine but I sold it :roll: Maybe someone else with a Westy could help????

this is what i needed, in the end i cut the rough shape on to a peice of cardboard and then cut away at it and then remarked it and cut more away................ you get the idea. i then used that as a template to cut the ply. i was not 100% bothered about the ply being spot on, just near enough was what i was after. after this was all fixed up i covered it in cladding, because the cladding is only about 100mm wide it is easier to make your way across the front marking and cutting each one as you go for a better finish.
funny enough, i just finished mine today, will post some pictures up over the weekend.
i am no carpenter but i am happy with how it turned out.
I've got a deep locker off a continental interior that I'm happy to take templates off if its any use to you, came off a poptop bus so should have the same roofline, I've got a couple of sunroof buses in stock so can check.

This is the full width roof locker I currently have if you want templates off it I'm more than happy to oblige, as I said it came off a poptop so the roofline should match a sunroof bus.


Hi mate, its just the roof profile on the front I need, Any chance you could draw round it on a bit of paper for me?
I can send you an SAE or something...

Ta Ollie
Same here, it's just the profile of the front section please. Graham, want to pm?
Bump. Still looking for this. Can anyone with a westy help please? Looking for a paper template of the unit in Grahams pic please.

Really sorry but I just haven't had time to get the unit down from storage and take some measurements, will try to do it as soon as I can, apologies once again

I have made this template from the overhead locker from my Westy.

Let me know if u want it.

It is all yours

I see that quite a few of you guys are interested in making overhead lockers for your buses. Whether you have a ply roof liner or a material liner, everybodies bus is going to be slightly different.

If you're interested in building an overhead locker, for those of you that haven't seen my thread to see what I've made. http://forum.earlybay.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=19628
I've been a joiner for 49 years and to make the template is really quite easy.

If anybody is interested, let me know and I will mock up a ply liner and show you how to make the template. It'll take you approximately 15 minutes and is really easy.

Hope this can be of some assistance to you all and if you'd like some help, leave a post on here and I'll check back. I'm away for a week but can sort this out next weekend.



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